
@mullingitover: I broke up with my last ex because she wanted to talk on the phone longer than 5 minutes at a time, and would only provide one word responses to texts...

Man, these articles keep getting better and better. I love how you're keeping the snarky bitterness and the "I hate my life, so should everyone else" attitude, but pretty much telling people what they need to hear. You're like the Denis Leary version of Dr. Phil. Definitely keep adding the little sections that

@Stephen Fazekas: The fact that it's a low velocity round is a good point. And as others have mentioned, it's totally possible that they reloaded the round with less/less powerful powder making it just that much more slow, less likely to shatter the (very thick) ice, and not fragment the round itself.

@N@tedog: Right behind #233: eating sleeves of seasonal oreos...

I would still mother this man's ginger-children... I will have to construct a robotic uterine contrapto-matic, but I will, nevertheless, be successful...

@talkingstove: *Slowly looks around* Shh! Don't talk like that. You'll give the record companies and movie studios ammunition!

@Webran61: That was kind of my point: When it comes to subjective content, it's funny who we give the authority to. On the other hand, though, it's difficult to accept the objective nature of the types of files that AngryCastro was referring to finding.

@Billybird: Face-to-face contact and discipline are overrated. Just use FaceTime!

@AngryCastr0: I would imagine what you've been through is what happens in most cases. It's not like you guys have a specific program that actively searches for questionable content that might get your customer arrested. I imagine that would not lend to a very good reputation/customer base... And like you said, you

I'm underwhelmed, too, Jesus. I don't see a printer anywhere on this thing. What the hell does HP think they're doing??!!

@WestwoodDenizen: Totally agreed. Just the fact that it took two people shoving a door into the water, then rigging it up to not fall over, then smoke bomb it, then lighting. Ok, my head hurts now, but it's still a good job.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.2: I loved the winning shot, then I read the set up, which just made me love it more...

@D4RkNIKON:I was just getting on here to comment on how bad ass number 24 was. Good job! Really dig the ethereal quality.

@learniiburn: I would prefer pseudo-realistic entertainment, a la Jim Hensen, rather than saving the planet. Is that bad?

@learniiburn: I was mostly leaning towards the point of the lack of decent puppets or robots.

@learniiburn: A little CG relative to what? Real life actors? Nature landscapes? Most of the scenes that could not use stationary puppet/robots (a.k.a. ones attached to a control box) included CG modeled dinosaurs. That's quite a bit of the film. Granted, the scenes with the animatronics were impressive.

@Educated_Hobo: That point and stare is hideously frightening. My friends and I do that at the bars to each other, and it's even scarier when you're drunk.