Govern Me Harder Daddy

I’ll gladly take all his so-called “transphobic” bits over the cisphobic racist crap constantly spewing from the left. The constantly offended 5% can just STFU already.


Exactly, Tony George ruined everything U.S. open-wheel related due to his massive ego. A$$hole!

You sound like an Isaiah Lee apologist. You do realize he’s been charged with a felony for attempted murder in a separate incident, don’t you? He’s a dangerous a$$hole and I don’t give a rat’s ass what triggers him.

I saw one on the freeway last week. Amazing!

Actual free speech. The horror. The horror.

And inflation was supposed to be transitory. If you believe anything these clowns say you’re part of the problem.

I remember the good ol’ days when E30M3s and S2000s at the dealership sold for actual MSRP. At least mine did.

...trash important monuments, harass normal citizens going about their daily lives...” No, that was BurnLootMuder/Panty-fascists during the summer of love.

The compassionate left never disappoints.

A fox news insult. Shocking! I wonder why CNN’s ratings are tenth of Fox’s.

If they were brown the MSM and the left, but I repeat myself, would be beatifying the protestors as brave champions of freedom. Since it’s white folks, they must be insurrectionists. The hypocrisy is stunning.

Oh but they did.

Could you actually imagine begging a Metrosexual named Trudeau to “please govern me softer Daddy?”… Clown World entertainment is the absolute best… We’ve officially entered the age of Hilarious, not Aquarius.

Hofmeister kink FTW!

If by ‘common sense measures’ you mean Green New Deal, I choose to keep waiting for the rising seas. Predicted since I was a kid and still waiting.

That’s why the rich have oceanfront homes, because the seas are rising. Come on man, you’re better than this.

Four people dead of (or with) Omicron. FOUR. The scamdemic is over except for you lot that enjoy government control. Doesn’t anyone think for themselves anymore? Good times make weak men. Weak men make bad times. That’s where we’re headed.

McCain voted with Dems, he was a hailed a brave renegade. Manchin won’t vote with the Dems, it’s the end of Democracy. Oy vey.

Thank you , no.