It’s ridiculous because she means none of this shit. As a person with much deeper roots to Louisiana that her ‘Creole/not all black self hatred weave wearing ass” will ever have that video of hers is bullshit.
It’s ridiculous because she means none of this shit. As a person with much deeper roots to Louisiana that her ‘Creole/not all black self hatred weave wearing ass” will ever have that video of hers is bullshit.
I am sorry, so have I, so the fact that you don’t want to discuss those issues because “reverse racism” is sort of funny. Also, I am not complaining about reverse racism my low IQ friend; I am discussing the irony of this article. It seems for all the SJWing you are trying really hard to do, you can’t actually do any…
1. It’s annoying because if the roles were reversed, it would be a HUGE controversy.
Wow, you seem to be saying something but with all the education of a 2 year old. If you want to have a conversation that doesn’t involve trying to attack other people I will be glad to engage. Though I think you probably have the intellect somewhere between a fruit fly and a trash can so I don’t expect one.
I am sorry, did you make a distinction in your statement? I would like to see where you did because it isn’t there. So, don’t be an asshole because you think you need to get your SJWing in for the day. I guarantee you would be infuriated if someone said this exact same thing about any non-white minority. So, if you…
Black people acting like Fox News is representative of all white people is like white people assuming Tyler Perry is the pinnacle of black culture. Really pretty dumb and a sign of not being exposed to much outside of their specific circle.
I don’t care if she calls out white people — fuck there are appropriate reasons to do so. As Louis CK said we have pretty much ass fucked the planet for our own benefit and eventually the rest of the planet will do the same. The problem is — this is not the reason. I don’t know a single person who gave a shit about…
Shhhh. If a white liberal lady calls out other white people she gets precious minority points while she ethnically cleanses...I mean...gentrifies Brooklyn
Literally no one has mentioned it in my day to day life, at a global company where I spend the day on the phone.
While this may have come from a twitter/facebook reaction, it’s made its way from there into non-internet discourse.
Actually, it does concern me, and I will kindly direct you to your seat where you can sit down until you can make an actual fucking point. This concerns me because it doesn’t state that a very small fraction of a percentage of white people may have expressed displeasure with the video, it says “white people.” I guess…
Just like not every “white” person reacted in any way, shape, or form to the Beyonce video... yet here we are.
Maybe it’s living in NYC but I don’t know a single person who got offended or felt threatened by Beyonce’s video.
You would but I have a feeling you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about outside of “SJW!” Seriously, if you would like to make an entertaining guess as to the amount of white people who actually gave a fuck about this video, or who care about Beyonce in general I will entertain it. The problem is you…
It is super corporate though. Because Beyonce is super corporate, and at this point she’s really more of a brand than a real person. Every aspect of her public image is carefully calculated and controlled. So naturally her activism is too, or her feminism. There’s nothing organic or authentic about her. But that’s the…
Given that 249 million Americans identify as white I think the general consensus to the video was no one gave a flying fuck.
Usually I enjoy SNL but to be honest I did not think anything last night was really that good (or to put it a different way I thought the best part was most of Weekend Update). I thought everything was well done (with one exception), and could see what they were shooting for in most cases, but it left me with more of…
Moments like this I realise I live in a very sheltered liberal bubble. Maybe it’s living in NYC but I don’t know a single person who got offended or felt threatened by Beyonce’s video. Also, who the hell are these people? The video and song are catchy and yeah the political elements are there but they’re pretty light…
Actually, *some* white people went into defense mode. Given that 249 million Americans identify as white I think the general consensus to the video was no one gave a flying fuck. Don’t believe twitter or the media as representing any one single race of people.
So... all of white America had whatever reaction was displayed in the video to the dropping of Beyonce’s video? Because I am fairly white and my reaction was pretty much “I don’t give a fuck.” It is my general reaction to everything that is put out on the internet. I like what I like, I don’t hate other people for…