
Nice strawman.

Trump won with less votes than Romney and won a higher total number of black and Latino votes than Romney. Your identity politics is failing and it will continue to fail because all it does is shout down others (notice the repeated "shut the fuck up" bits in the article, which is surely how you win in the free

The shooting scene is obviously a hallucination. The welts (blemishes?) on Eliot were there before he went to the shooting gallery (junk house) and got shot. And if you go back and watch the scene, Eliot doesn't get shot in the arm. He gets shot in the upper-left torso, near where the heart is located. I think the

Demons are not interchangeable with daemons.

Pfft. I was using nationalism to shame people back in 2001, when it was cool and original.

In order to think like Kid Rock, you need to become like Kid Rock.

One of the best comedies of the past two decades. There are a lot of truly great lines in that movie.

Kid Rock is America's Uncle. Which does a lot to explain why the entire nation is fucked up in the head.