As a life long, card carrying nerd I am incredibly disappointed by how closed minded my fellow geeks are. They react VIOLENTLY to the idea of people of color or women invading their space (as if we haven’t been here since the beginning) and give all of us a bad name. There was a brief, shinning moment in like 2010…
“This happened when they were making The Hobbit. They needed to cast background actors, specifically background hobbits.
Please stop. It’s not his race, it’s the fact that he’s not blonde. Yeah, that’s it. Johnny Storm has to be blonde or else the movie is ruined. Seriously, that’s the problem. It’s hair color, not race. It’s never, ever race. Never.
Apparently people are upset that Michael B. Jordan was cast as Johnny Storm in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot.…
have you seen st. vincent? she plays a serious role of a stressed out single mother. she is really good in it. it’s a 180 from the slapstick comedy she usually does. the movie itself isn’t that great but i was really surprised by her performance.
your hallucination of me
I doubt it was only feminists who cared about Zelda Williams - in fact it was all over the mainstream press. If a woman had been subjected to the exact same attacks as Whedon, how much do you want to bet that Jezebel would have written about it in a different tone? Look, I agree with you that women are probably…
Didn’t Whedon himself say that it wasn’t feminists who bullied him? Or rather, didn’t he say that he quit Twitter not specifically because of hatred?
So, the Twitter hate against Whedon and his movie wasn’t ‘problematic’ for you and ‘needed to be discussed’? Interesting times we live in - ‘microagression’ is a thing, verbally expressed aggression (against a man) is not.
Who said it isn’t? I don’t see any difference between JK Rowling’s harassment on Twitter or Joss Whedon’s. Both were bullied and the Whedon case just proved that feminists can be just as bad as the MRAs they usually accuse of being the only ones bullying people on the internet. People are assholes, regardless of…
When has she donated directly to politicians/political parties? She has donated multi-millions to MS research, literacy, ending the institutionalization of children globally, animal welfare charities, disaster relief, among others. I don’t recall her EVER (publicly) donating to a candidate or party.
In my experience, super hot guys appreciate average looking women (me) more than average looking guys do. My theory? Super hot guys want to be appreciated for more than their looks, and want to be seen as deep and smart and substantial. So a smart woman with accomplishments strokes their ego more than a hot girl.…
I have a real hate for that woman. My excuse is FUCK YOU.
So basically, men won’t allow themselves to be body-shamed.
While it’s an interesting fact (one I learned when studying German films in college, which included Head-On), I wouldn’t have mentioned this if I were you. She’s made it pretty clear how she feels about that time in her life (she was underage when she started). Out of respect for this actress, who’s proved to be…
“When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not.”-Yoda
Because most people know that?
We put a lot of time into the facial expressions, in fact I'd say it's what the main focus is during the animations. Especially the eyes, I hope in the future as our team gains experience we can do even better. Thank you for the kind words!