
Keynesian economics supplanted the Supply & Demand theory that the relationship between demand and supply was unhindered. Supply & demand economics posits that such a thing as a "free market" exists when, in fact, there has never been a "free market." The relationship between what is available to purchase or possible

Did you read the second half of the sentence where it says "has never applied to entertainment or other specialty markets" or do you like to pick and choose parts of arguments in order to seem like you can easily discredit them?

Doesn't matter what the medium is, it's the same damned excuses every time. "There's no audience for women-led movies." "There's no money in women-centric films." Blah blah blah. You could do a Mad Libs and sub out "movies" for "comics," "literature," "music," and it would be the same damn tune, different setting.

I don't know if it has anything to do with what people want. The choices to pick from are just much, much slimmer if you are looking at leads that are women or POC. I think it has a lot to do with what companies think people want.

but TV. So many meaty roles. television is where it's at.

I, for one, was unaware any of our sisters or brothers was above scrutiny, especially when acting in problematic ways or by literally acting like a fool. I am sure all of u who are flabbergasted by her inability to grasp what she' doing will smarten up and give her a pass the next time this person, whoever she is,

And the Amanda Knox trial. The articles I read on that case were stunning in how the system is run.

Those first two examples as well as recent current events regarding a particular group of seismologists have cemented the opinion in my mind that the Italian court system is an absolute circus.

"The other moment which lent Savage Man... Savage Beast its infamy occurs much later on in the film when via another dubiously appropriated bit of supposedly genuine (but really totally faked) homemade video footage we are whisked off to the jungles of South America. We find ourselves in the company of a swarthy