
You forgot to capitalize the HE in doucHEbag.

"They" say a lot, don't they?

Those poor ducks…

I know… I was just trolling Stephen.

Why do you think I've been referring to parcels of paramourous property?:

When does Spider-Man ever drive a car?!

I know, right? Compared to digital, those things are HORRIBLE looking!

Well he DID kind of censor himself.

What do cats have to do with anything?

I find Phuking extremely offensive. It should only be reserved for the sick or the drunk.

… "fudge"?

(runs down hallway.. says "Hello" to Cowardly Lion running in the opposite direction… and jumps out window)

Hey, did you see what Obama sent to the dinner party? What a casserole!

Environmentalism has no place in a movie about Jesus.

Someone PM Brad Jones (The Cinema Snob) STAT!

Stop making me spit out my liquid beverages!

(waves hands frantically after scrolling through posts) don't attract Dowd's attention!

It's amazing what they can do with computers.

Not to be too personal, Mr Man, but is Mr. Stark as much of a jerk in real life as he appears in the movies? I'm not sure how I feel about him giving you a super suit, and then taking it away after saying stupid things like "If you need a suit to be a hero, then you're not much of a hero."

"Kindly Carrie! Kindly Carrie!"