Oh man that’s fantastic. I love hearing success stories of cars like that ending up in homes like yours. Sooooooo much better than some tech bro billionaire or the Sultan of Brunei or Cameron’s dad from Ferris Bueller or what have you. Congrats!
Oh man that’s fantastic. I love hearing success stories of cars like that ending up in homes like yours. Sooooooo much better than some tech bro billionaire or the Sultan of Brunei or Cameron’s dad from Ferris Bueller or what have you. Congrats!
Kudos! It looks like if everything holds that you’ll do okay. I was just out of law school and had lots of negative dollars in loans that i’m only now working through at 2013. I’m looking to do a bit of speculation myself... considering a 987 Spyder (manual of course) or an S2000.
I would rather have this and blow the others $185,000 on...keeping my new Lotus on the road.
3 bidders were in until it passed $200k. Crazy.
I can smell the watermelon vape from here
This will start under $30K just like the Wrangler does.
I can’t wait for this to come out an have a MRSP of $40,000, $50,000+for a “well equipped” version and watch all the simps shell out all this cash. It’s gotten to the point where I’m not even excited for new car releases I’m just pissed off by the ridiculous MSRPs new cars are selling for these days. And considering…
Our Boot is really amazing to drive. It’s fantastic on the road and off road floats over bumps. Driving a night stint during pre running was the most fun I’ve ever had in a moving vehicle. We’ve begun to deliver customer Boots and are beginning to build 4DR versions. We be back racing the Baja as soon as racing there…
This Prince May well have wound up in Idaho as part of a military transfer, but my eldest sister owned a brand new left-hand driver’s position blue Prince 4-door sedan in Idaho Falls in 1960. I thought I remembered her Prince having a white or cream colored top, but 1960 was a long time ago. I remember she loved the…
Username doesn’t check out.
It’s ok to like some parts of Elon’s brain and not others. I don’t like most of what he tweets, but I can appreciate Tesla cars and Space X. I can also appreciate his frustration that’s shared with a lot of the people in the country right now, including me. I think the shutdown was warranted at first, but we need to…
Both the Nevada and California stay at home orders effect non essential businesses where people congregate. The Nevada one expires April 16 by the way.
So the governor of New York can go for a run outside and also encouraged his citizens to take up running in the hardest hit state, but you won’t relieve your cabin fever by going for a drive 50 miles from the nearest human?
We also found that by seating customers close together months later they requested an additional place for a baby seat so we provided one.
But I’m sure you’re cool with the invisible seat belts on all of the full size seats...