
Has it been asked? What car would you own and not get rid of ever? (caveat, you have to buy it with your own money)

I’ve got it! IRS Seizes VW for back taxes.

Blu Tec status update: Feeling blu.

Oh come on. I’m a 911 fan through and through but saying that this car isn’t a sports car is just dumb. The thing has chops, looks good, and hauls ass. It is a car for car sports.

Best... car?

Needs more logos. Otherwise I want it.

We know who is behind this...

May favorite line in the article as well!

#humblebrag #pwn3d

This is pretty rad.

This needs to be the #1 comment.

This just reminded me how awesome the Rally Fighter is.

Vigilante spike strips?

I LOVE this car but c’mon. The headlines are off.

I would sit in this back seat all day long.

I don’t really like 996s much, but the want is very high on this one. Great wheel choice as well.

Is this video enough to get them in trouble or do they have diplomatic imputiny? Er, I mean immunity.

Also Dear Toyota: Don’t tease this for five years like the NSX was. It sorta ruins the surprise.

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