
You’ve officially cemented yourself as my favorite author on Kotaku since that last loot box article and this one makes me love you more.

This is why I tend to steer away from religious talk, because I have a basic knowledge of it and never really believed any of these deities ever existed. When someone tries to explain the vast, forgotten history of any religion, it just sounds like an empty rabbit hole to me.

Having gone through their entire discography recently, I think my favorite song by them is Vow.

Well to be fair a kid has no business playing GTAV. I am not gonna sit here and lie and say that i never played mortal kombat or other violent games when i was a kid. But if i was a parent i would sit down and play the games before i let my kid play them. And GTAV would definitely be a game i would not let my kids

Cruel, sure, but what the hell are his parents doing letting him play GTA in the first place?

When I used to play GTA Online, in the open world whenever a kid talked at least 6 other players would find the kid and kill him while telling him to shut up.

I can’t wait until they do the Martin Luther King reboot with Channing Tatum.

Sorry but no. I work in the business and I know many talented, handsome Asian dudes who could have done this role.

The biggest giveaway for me was in one of the first pictures you can see a garbage can on the sidewalk.

Speaking of Avengers 4, has anyone else noticed that Thanos can be read as a deconstruction of the “Nice Guy” persona? He’s literally in love with Death personified to the point that he’s willing to kill half the population for her no matter how many times she makes it clear that she’s not into him or ok with what

the space military, duh

Sassy Jewish Warlock?

well... I draw stick figures when im near paper and a pen.

Hey Kotaku, you can hire me to do this sort of work. I work for cheap.