
What dummies! Everybody knows the Police Cybertruck should have the Robocop theme!

Yeah, “your art’s fucking weird” seems about right for a high school(?) insult.

Admittedly I skimmed this because I want to experience this for myself as fresh as possible, but yeah — my eyes were drawn to the “Your art’s fucking weird!” part and I don’t find it remotely hard to believe that some asshole teenager would say that to someone. Kids aren’t always — in fact, they seldom are — eloquent

I haven’t played it yet so I can’t exactly put anything in context, but “Your art’s fucking weird!” sounds like something a kid would say to be mean. I still remember being a youngling and my grandma asking me why I couldn’t draw anything nice (it was all tornados destroying cities and Mortal Kombat characters killing

If there’s ever going to be a definition of a bad-faith take, this article should be cited as an example in its entirety. It’s contrarian simply for the sake of being contrarian. Here’s the thing: thinking that The Short Message mishandles its themes jsut because it doesn’t present them in a fashion as deep as a

Oh FFS Steve. It’s a pre-production prototype. Please see your shrink and tell him or her why you hate Elon so much. Go take a look at the Tucker prototype dude. I’ll wait.

It’s unfair to pick apart a prototype for its specific issue related to non-serial build quality.  General issues and serial build quality will be enough to pick it apart when its time.  

Are you telling me the Classified Information department at Nintendo Power didn’t actually have a team of elite covert operatives engaging in high-risk espionage missions to secure me the latest codes for my favorite Super Nintendo games?

diarrhea works too, not sure what that proves

If you die in the metaverse, do you die in real life?

Maybe publishers just need an employee to literally draw out the pyramid scheme to them

Don’t feel bad, the people selling NFTs and running blockchains don’t really comprehend it either.

“I'm not racist, but..." Should be top of the list

Ted was arguably the worst character. He’s no better than Rob from “high fidelity.” A terrible person wrapped in the packaging of a “romantic.

“I don’t mean to be racist/sexist/whatever-ist but...” or something along those lines.

Uhhh no... using Dave C... is a poor example. Watched the Netflix special... yeah... seriously? He’s speaking his truth, and he is entitled to do that, and to heck with the modern day thought police. What has the world came to? I had to explain to my kids how when I was a kid the Christian conservatives were trying to

I’m surprised “I did my own research” didn’t make it into the list.

Hes talking about Halo and Killzone and Resistance and that's IT

How many people that are mad at him actually watched it? Because Dave is clearly very pro trans rights. His “team terf” joke was bad, and hurtful and it seemed like he didn’t even understand what the term meant. Seems he thinks it simply means “believes gender is real”. But even then not as in trans genders are not