
This is how I know I'm ready for (my impending) fatherhood. Purposefully mispronouncing words is a good hobby.

Now I'm more aware of the fact that I haven't had a sore neck from headbanging for a while and I'm getting old and one day I'll die than I need to be.

My local booze shop got in a bunch of new (to me) belgian beers so last night I had St Louis Pêche which is a super fruity lambic and Rodenbach Grand Cru which is a Flanders red ale and one of the best beers I've tasted. Hurray!

Red Sparowes - Truths Arise
The Number Twelve Looks Like You - Given Life
Gnarwolves - We Want The Whip!
Baptists - Crutching Trails
Castrovalva - Triceratops

I got to listen to the final mastered version of my bands first album this week and I'm happy with how it's come out now all that's left to do is get some cover art before we put it on the internet.

New metal albums that I've enjoyed this year came from such bands as: Architects, Feed The Rhino, Hark, Every Time I Die, Enabler, Revocation and United Nations. A good year for riffs.

Aye, it's not their best by a long shot. Very much a throwback to a few years ago when they brought that and Sink the Bismark out for some cheap 'strongest beer in the world' publicity. I'm pleased that they seem to be over that now because: a) it's my local brewery and b) they've got a lot of good stuff to offer if

It sends out a message that I heartily endorse.

SCOTCH: I bought a bottle of Talisker Storm at the weekend that I've managed to hold off from opening while I finish off the hip flask of Balvenie Doublewood that I have kicking about. It's a good time for scotch.

That's the best The Fratellis song and one of the best Art Brut songs. Solid.

In 1983, no-one died.

That… was a goal.


You Slut! - Fifzteen
High On Fire - Rumors of War
Modern Baseball - Pothole
Idlewild - Let Me Sleep (Next to the Window)
Arcane Roots - Sacred Shapes

Jack put the guns in the jelly beans.

The Murderburgers - Another Way Out Of Here
Ovens - Down The Drain
Cave In - Off To Ruin
Pantera - Hollow
Lord Dying - Greed Is Your Horse

The fingers on my right hand have been achy all day and I'm not sure why. I'm kind of hoping that it's because I played drums for 3 hours last night but I've done that before in the past and been fine. Ungood.

In about an hour I'll be making chicken wings night with sweet potato wedges doused in cumin and cayenne pepper, and roasted peppers 'n' onions. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Not only that but The Bugle is back. Which is nice.