
What is amazing about that image is that it's old school color cycling done by an artist named Mark Ferrari. There's no real animation in that image, the color palette just changes and gives the illusion of motion. He was able to hide different times of day and weather patterns in one image that would reveal with the

He likes cocks.

Nintendo replaces the Wii U with a more powerful console and does so soon in order to better compete with the Xbox One and PlayStation 4...The last company to start zipping through home console iterations really quickly was Sega.

How the hell did the social justice warriors and feminists have anything to do with this? Off kilter much?

On a related note, I find it absolutely hilarious that the Military Channel has more historical content than the actual History channel nowadays. The same goes for Drunk History on Comedy Central of all things. This is when you know that the world need to be reset and built from scratch again x_x

uhm i dont think you got his meaning, I think he meant that the games played in this lan event are mostly old games without the needles shit that is always on drm, cause its more fun to just play with your friends

An eternal HDD would be pretty useful. you'd only have to buy one ever.

I know. Every time I see these kind of articles, I just go some where else. If I wanted to read or discuss those kinds of issues, I would go to a site that was about it, rather then a site that is supposed to be about game journalism.

So, this movie is available on YouTube, in its entirety, for free, and no one seems intent on taking it down for reasons of IP and all that copyright law stuff. That's how much the studio loves this movie. Blue lipstick and all.

I just vomited a little... I would have a little more faith since its in the hands of Blizzard. But it wouldn't hurt to be cautious. But good glob, let us never speak of that damn movie again...

So... she won and she can't accept it? I think what you meant to say is that it's a jab at the people that can't accept that she won.

Not quite. Cassandra Cain predates X-23 by about 4 years.

I honestly can't remember any easy game from that era.

No, she looks sober.

See the real figures! (Their rare as F### tho...)

Pretty rare to see an Indonesian in the gaming industry. I was a 3D artist for Acheron Design, a small Australian game studio, lasted only a year until Eidos went belly up and was bought by Square Enix, for the last couple of months we took pride that we're making a game for Square Enix (wooo!!!). The only game with

maybe he wanted to confront those?