Line them all up, close your eyes, point your finger at random.
The difference between Pokémon and Temtem lies in the fanporn.
I can’t wait for Twitch thots streamers to play live with the ring fit.
-specially towards people they don’t
I guess this means the next pokemon anime will have someone else as a lead character.
This is a wasted opportunity for them to make Mountain Dew Xtreme Pumpkin Spice.
If the game on the first screen were a mock of a Mario platformer and in the last screen instead of Solitaire it were a screenshot of a CoD game, this would have made more sense.
It doesn’t work with American cultivars, these are bred to be cylindrical with smooshed-up fruitlets and very little fiber, that’s why this trick doesn’t work.
Fallout 76 is the gift that keeps on giving:
Meanwhile at SNK: