Monkey King

The doctors must be desperate to earn anything in these difficult times. 

The cops put him in the car quietly. But he swallowed fentanyl and got sick. He started kicking the seats, yelling. They did not kill him, but they should have recornized that there was a medical emergency.

George Floyd was not murdered. He overdosed of fentanyl that he swallowed when trying to hide it from the cops.

no, correct word is octopussies

no, correct word is octopussies

Once it reaches market cap of 21 trillion dollars, (it is how much rich people are hiding offshore) it will hang around 1 million dollar price. Gold, fiat - all can be confiscated by governments but no one can take bitcoins from you.

He is not smart. He should have become a policeman and wear a police badge instead.

It is called security by obscurity.

Now playing

Liberals are crying after losing the election:

Liberals became so pathetic after losing the election.

The idea was to get rid of these old weapons by using them in Syria.

Russia would have to counter that by sending advanced weapons to Venezuela, Iran and North Korea

Do you think Russians know about Fox?

You are retarded. The article does not explain anything.