
Thanks for clarifying all this! Man, I wish the author had seen fit to include this pertinent information.

You mean coitus?

Fortunately he missed Dee’s nuts

What a load of BS. It’s the same as it has been since he became available. It’s not blackballing, because you obviously don’t know the meaning of the word or worse truly believe that all of the NFL owners got together and planned this. If that is the case, I have a wide selection of bridges for you to choose from.

COUNTERPOINT (from Popovich himself):

it’s god damn 501 STF rigid you commies

it’s god damn 501 STF rigid you commies

Thank you for participating.

Actually the record for least amount of hugs Goodell received is held by both of his parents.

This is actually VERY practical for those of us that use a smoker. There’s period during smoking that’s called the “stall”, in where the temperature randomly reaches a temporary plateau (below what you need). It stays there for an unspecified amount of time, and then randomly continues on its merry way. The stall can

This is actually VERY practical for those of us that use a smoker. There’s period during smoking that’s called the

It must be hard goddamn work for you to be so wrong.

For the longest time I thought he was a Mets fan, based solely on City Slickers.

The hottest of takes.

The contrast of your handle to your comment is hilarious, bordering on the absurd.

The ultimate irony would have been if hitchbot met its fate from a flying D-cell.

Hey dude would you like to not watch baseball with me sometime?

How about the kid he kneed in the face?

My son doesn’t know anything. He can’t poop in a toilet or open a jar or even identify shapes with 100 percent accuracy.

Assuming each pitch is an out.

A League of They’re Owned

(Boston fan) Yes, everyone knows that SF/Oakland is basically Atlanta West, the fans have no history of showing up to the games let alone being excited during them, and the current fever pitch about Warriors basketball is entirely a bandwagon phenomenon. Please.