
Apparently the slim-to-none possibility that the current GOP congresspeople will come to their senses and inexplicably decide to not do what they have already declared they will do (oppose the President’s every single legislative effort until the next election) is more likely than cementing all of their constituents’

Been a few decades since I spent much time in bars, but back then, it was common for the bartender to ask someone who ordered a soft drink if they were the designated driver. When that was the case, the soft drink (and a couple of refills) were often free. If so, I tipped five to ten dollars depending on how long my fr

Definitely get a National Park pass - You’re going to be driving near a lot of interesting places. (Cumberland Falls State Park in Kentucky makes for a nice rest stop if you get close. And while leaving Texas, swing by Caddo Lake if you can.)

OffTopic: Is that Petey Wheatstraw, the film character, or Peetie Wheatstraw, the blues singer?  I suppose it could be both.

I have a hard time believing any Trump could ever possibly pronounce the N word without a hard R.

Given the last 50 years of economic history, trickle-down economics has been so dramatically disproven, it’s easily the most laughable economic theory of the past century. How the hell does this guy even show his face in public?

I was born and raised in Texas, and because I have always had a distinct fondness for legends and mythology, it didn’t take long to recognize patterns of myth-building in virtually every episode of “Texas History” being taught in the classroom. Abbott was raised with them too, he just refuses to acknowledge that what

In-N-Out burgers reminded me of Sonic burgers, which remind me of burgers in my high school cafeteria: really cheap, accessible - not very good burgers, but a great combination if you’re hungrier than you are critical. A lifelong Texan, I feel the same about Whataburger. (Breakfast Taquitos remain the best fast food la

Look it up, just to be sure.

The 7-11 near me has a charger station. People park there and walk nextdoor to the Starbucks.

Now playing

If you hadn’t explained the Game of Thrones “shamereference, I would never have known.

Since George W Bush got himself elected governor, Republicans have outrageously gerrymandered Texas to such an extent that no Democrat was elected to statewide office until the last election. Democrat lawmakers have not only walked out of the capital before, they fled the state completely to avoid warrants assigned by

What I want to know is if they’ll emulate the early series of the comics, where the reader really couldn’t be certain if Moon Knight actually had superpowers or was literally insane enough to just not notice whatever damage his body took. Later on, the comics took a stronger editorial position on that.

Next up, the dog sues her.

College football rivalries are about to get interesting.

Dealers in Texas order trucks as a huge percentage of their allotment, and turn them quickly. There are lots where you’re lucky to find two of any vehicle that isn’t a truck. When I was looking for a hatchback, there were several local dealers who didn’t carry ANY.

I’m pretty sure the Secret Service had to purchase part of a neighbor’s property in order to house security for Dubya. They had to build fencing and a guardhouse to keep agents in proximity. This was in the middle of a VERY expensive neighborhood.

So the “shitty” owners should pay 5% of your tip PLUS wages? Sorry, the customer is to blame. Do you feel bad about what the owner has to pay because you want the convenience of paying by credit?

Online petitions rarely are worth the time. WRITING about online petitions often is. Raising awareness of the petition can raise awareness of the issues involved. The best online petitions usually includes a collection of links to the most thorough written arguments from the involved goals, rather than a spare two sent

I’m kinda sad Trump settled for launching a blog. It would have been funny watching him realize that if he actually gave his minions a voice on his own endorsed platform, he would quickly lose control of the message - he would wind up trying to manage endless squabbles over who were TRUE Followers Of Trump and who