
Fast? You’re kidding right? Not a single democrat has been elected to a statewide office in almost three decades.

“I think that’s what we need. More people carrying weapons. I support the legislation but I’d like to propose one small amendment. Everyone should be able to carry a concealed weapon. But everyone who carries a weapon should be required to wear one of those little beanies on their head with a little propeller on it so

What? No evacuations plans for Alabama! But our President told us the storm would go there! Now his loyal followers will surely be caught totally unprepared!

Trump: “Fuck Virginia.  They voted for Clinton.

Despicable conservative idols come and go, but GOP money will always be around. Fox will be trumpeting clips like this for the next five years - making themselves seem impartial, all the while sucking up all the GOP money they can reach.

If what they want to test truly isn’t race-based, let them get their “anonymous” dataset from ICE employees. See how THEY feel about that.

It would be interesting to know how/if they actually caught her doing this.

The grass is always greener. The chickens are always tastier.

Every single person I know who voted for Trump did so for one reason and one reason only - Stack the Supreme Court so they could make abortion illegal. There was no though beyond that. They believed that the party would handle everything distasteful. Trump’s victory was based almost entirely on abortion strategy and

I always assumed his intensity was always set to eleven, and the second the shot was over he left the set. Professional, but not one to hang out and socialize with anyone.

The podcast 99% Invisible that did a show on this (with a mention of Weird Al )

“Congress approved Billions of Dollars last time, more than anyplace else has ever gotten, and it is sent to Crooked Pols.

Hugh Grant’s response (“Fuck off, you over-promoted rubber bath toy.”) is now my favorite political commentary of the month.

Somehow, I really doubt it will help the Queen’s standing much, either.

Maybe they’ll start a tradition of burning it once a year...

1 John 3:17 -

How racist can you get? - to redirect emergency funds that are imminently needed to protect brown citizens in order to imprison other brown people who want to be citizens. For Trump, it’s a win win. As it is, the best outcome possible is for the hurricane to proceed on and wallop Florida, so that these funds would

‘Every time you try and operate these weird black controls that are labeled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up in black to let you know you’ve done it.’

I’m betting his wife LOVES being dragged into this.

I think Don’t Stop was a pretty diplomatic solution to the problem. It gave them time to realize that the political fallout of escalating the issue would look really bad