Confirming it all is simple. Just ask the billions of people who attended. /s
Confirming it all is simple. Just ask the billions of people who attended. /s
There better be a streaming cellphone clause in their guarantee.
Write about what you know, I guess.
All the payments promised to Fox News seems to have been in the form of government jobs.
Smart homes will make this so much more graceful. I would suggest that all the lights in the house gradually dim (enough to make it difficult to walk around), except the ones nearest to the front door, which would slowly become insanely brighter than the rest of the house. If that doesn’t work, have the stereo start …
“People would just make fake ones.”
I was a little distracted while the show was on, but it appears that Ollie once again made some sort of deal with the Monitor but didn’t tell anyone about it. Felicity is gonna love that.
“whites are not allowed to embrace their cultural achievements”
As long as they don’t try to bill it to taxpayers, let the party waste their time and money.
For the record, 51% of voters born in Texas voted for Beto O’Rourke. Transplants kept Cruz in office. There’s a decent chance that Texas will stop being a Republican “stronghold” soon.
Pelosi, Schumer: We’ll put that 1.3 billion on your tab. If you don’t even up before your next election, you’re outta here.
That’s “Liar in Chief”, thank you very much...
How cute. Trump wanted a Mini-Me.
Please, no, Beto. You didn’t quite beat Cruz (largely because of imported Trump Nuts - 51% of voters born in Texas voted for you), but you could probably wipe the floor with Cornyn in 2020. You’d have a more lasting impact by turning Texas purple than by being a maybe in a crowded Democrat field, and a maybe in a…
More and more, I’m convinced that Trump just has a comprehensive list of every single thing Obama signed in office. He has no real opinions about the subject matter (he’s often completely clueless about the subject matter), he’s just determined to undo every single thing Obama did - for no reason other than Obama’s…
It would piss off a cashier, but the fair answer is pay the amount of your own order and say use this cash towards the follow-up orders, as far as it goes. If you’re paying with credit, they’re out of luck.
Cancel their birthday?
Dear PETA, bite me.