
“In an op-ed for CNN last year, Whitaker wrote that Mueller was overstepping his bounds by looking into financial records related to the president’s businesses and argued that Rosenstein should rein in the special counsel. And in a TV appearance last year, Whitaker said the attorney general could decrease the special

Even though Beto lost his bid, I hope his good showing gave him enough leverage to affect the direction of the Democrats on the national level.

My favorite fact from that film is that shortly after filming it, Beyonce had a bit role in another film, where she was reprimanded on the set because every time the camera started rolling, her voice would slip back into the cadence of Foxxy Cleopatra, and she was completely unaware she was doing it.

I was traveling with a blind friend through Arkansas, where we stopped in a small town at a place which was famous (locally) for delivering dinner rolls to you by throwing them from across the restaurant. As we sat down, he told our server “If anyone throws a god damned dinner roll at me, I’m throwing the silverware

Exactly. The Alien Trilogy is a collection of three different types of genre film, rather than attempting to remake sacred cows.

Didn’t Trump reverse his position on Big Pharma after a single afternoon meeting with them early on in his Presidency?

“In what kind of marriage, to what kind of man, does a spouse conclude there is only a 99 percent chance her husband didn’t do that?”

First, your statistics are off. According to the Census Bureau, white people make up 62.5% of the U.S. Population. Second, the Census bureau and the Department of Labor consider “race” to be a matter of self-identification, not genetic heritage - they count people who refer to themselves as “white”. This is

CPR makes only slightly more sense than the school which has decided to “arm” every classroom with 5 gallons of rocks so that the kids can throw them at any armed intruders that show up. (Not a joke.)

Not a pack, a Network.

It cooks very well, stays crispy, but, of course, it doesn’t have the buttery taste. What it is good for is bringing out the flavor of whatever cheeses or other ingredients you use. Works great when including a slice of tomato or adding a little pepper jack cheese.

First glimpse I got of the options made me think “Pinky and The Brain”.

I’d be willing to bet that a notable percentage of the guns sold by WalMart are gifts specifically meant for people under the age of 21. This won’t stop that.

“Are you calling me on the cellular phone? I don’t know you. Who is this? Don’t come here, I’m hanging up the phone! Prank caller, prank caller!”

I’ll bet money that he never wrote that check.

They didn’t even do that last time. Congress made oversized noises about banning bump-stocks (I’d call that even less than the bare minimum) and dropped it like a hot potato the very next news cycle. Now Trump is making the same empty promise again. 

...what do we think should be accomplished?

His lips keep moving the entire time!

Prince added MANY MILLIONS to the profits of the film. (It cost 35 million, and made 410 million.) Before Prince was attached, the project was a cult film - a mixture of Burton fans and comic fans, Nicholson was the only reason adult mainstream media took it seriously at all. Suddenly Prince was attached to the

As a movie, I thought it was yet another unneeded cash grab.