
So 2010 was just as prophetic as 2001 was!

a cover layer is currently being used for display purposes only to conceal the suit’s proprietary design

Disregard any comment on the recipe which include the word “substituted”. If you substituted any ingredient for any reason, you have no right to post an opinion on that recipe: you followed some other recipe. Likes or ratings are useless: Disregard any comment which rates a recipe but mentions that they haven’t actuall

Clippy’s Revenge.

And I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw…” —Revelations 6:1-2

... following a campaign appearance in Iowa.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a good thing coming from a company town. Every story has been of brutal mistreatment (economic, psychological or physical) of the people who lived there.

I notice that he didn’t take a position on strong encryption.

If you ask most people to list twenty “good” boxing movies, half of the list will be Rocky movies, just because they wouldn’t remember that many boxing movies until you mention them.

Sounds like they finally let him win a fight, instead of letting bad guys (even a possessed Counselor Troi) kick his ass to just prove how “bad-ass” they were. Good for them. I’m looking forward to watching this.

Just like Earth settled on Greenwich for it’s temporal reference point, the Moon should use Tranquility Base. Then we can call it Tranquility Moon Time.

In the early nineties, a friend and I started a web hosting company that operated out of his downtown apartment. He started building a house when he found out that plugging in any more equipment would brown out his floor. The conversation with the homebuilder explaining why he needed two tons of AC pumped under the

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Bonnie Raitt and Was (Not Was) singing Disney

Paid “verification” only verifies that whoever pays the bill for your account consistently pays the bill. It doesn’t provide any additional privacy or security to you or your account information, it doesn’t really verify that your online identity bears any relation to your real-world identity, or even that a given

I was taught to interact with adults with directness and respect, not as a sign of deference. So my past didn’t ever include using Sir or Ma’am: speaking with adults only demanded honesty and politeness - which means I can’t say it without some deeply buried sarcasm.

in Denton, Texas. 32 hour week. Same salary. Same benefits. Much happier business.

So when the colored spacesuits come out, how many will associate it with Power Rangers and how many (like I did) will associate with Teletubbies?

Many many years ago, I remember watching footage of President Reagan attending a Gospel church service. The man couldn’t clap in rhythm to save his life. I nearly died laughing as he repeatedly missed any beat at all while staring intently as his wife’s hands and trying to clap in time with her. And failing. If I

“there’s nothing worse than a neighbor with a yappy dog.”

Since money is considered speech”, I guess there really are things you can’t afford to say.