
Back in the eighties, we always had a game master AND a volunteer to help handle locating the proper tables in the rulebooks. By the late eighties, we had written programs and spreadsheets for the VIC20 and Commodore64 to handle the most common table lookups. Between Rolemaster, Spacemaster and Heroes(?), we could

I suspect you would not have enjoyed Rolemaster, which was deliberately meticulous. The brand new release (Rolemaster Unified) is still fairly granular, but much more gracefully organized, and they kept the famously insane Critical Hit Tables (“Enemy is frozen solid and killed instantly, you have half a round. Push

Some fun facts about the 2022 Texas Election:

There were also several times Richard Belzer appeared as a character who was obviously Munch but bore a different name for legal (often network related) reasons, such as Mad About You and Sesame Street.

We’re lousy at ice (remember, ice driving is very different from snow driving), but the fact is, far too many Texas drivers suck at driving in rain of any form - we far too little of it. The very idea that “I should slow down if conditions aren’t perfect” is some kind of heresy. Too much faith in tire advertisements.

I read the quotes from all involved and wonder: who is sucking up to who?   They would call it diplomacy, I call it weaseling.

The Expanse.

I like the wallpaper. I keep looking for Haunted Mansion eyes hidden in the pattern.

On December 12, from 156 miles above the surface of Mars, the HiRise camera aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spotted a peculiar sight:

Musk’s mantra of “move fast and break things.” is playing out as “ride your motorcycle into every tree in the forest.

In Texas, practically every chain has arrangements to carry Dr. Pepper.  In some regions, it is bottled by Pepsi, in others, by Coke.

Is there really anybody out there who believes having Jared Leto attached to a film project is a good thing?

In the email obtained by The Post, Blinken said the “decorative, angular features” of Times New Roman and other serifs “can introduce accessibility issues for individuals with disabilities who use Optical Character Recognition Technology or screen readers.” He added, “It can also cause visual recognition for

You could make the same statement about cheez whiz.

I hate to mix my fandoms, but every word of what you just said is wrong... except the bit about Kira’s costume - Trek has a long history of silly outfits.

Two facts:

The most effective response is often “Why?”

Carnivale could easily find a home in the streaming landscape today. That final shot had me primed for season 3 and then they pulled the plug on it.

A while back, I remember that there was a national politician who switched his affiliation from a party to Independent, but he had the integrity to wait until the end of his term so that he would have to be re-elected AS an Independent, rather than double-crossing the people who voted for him. He was re-elected, but,

Alita made a profit - not mega profit, but solid earnings. Look at the history of the earnings of most first sequels compared to their sources - familiarity breeds profit. It played very well on television, raising the recognition of the brand. The technology needed to make the sequel no longer needs to be invented