
It’s AVAILABLE for rent or purchase online, but not part of any streaming subscription I’m aware of, yet. The vocabulary for the age of digital media still needs some work.

Funny, that’s what I was thinking. Most of the misinformation drifting around society right now comes from people reading social media posts AS NEWS instead of as loose interpretations of the facts. Limiting “newsfeeds” to headlines and links only would cut down on misinformation just because those who would follow

I paid 2.42 per gallon yesterday. It’s expected to be lower by Christmas.

50% of his advertisers have left. another huge chunk have suspended planned activity, waiting to see what shakes out.

So how does this work? A tweet goes out, if there are complaints it gets judged, then it gets removed - after it has been disseminated (and retweeted or copied) to millions? Or is it somehow judged before it gets posted - which, if people are involved, means nothing is posted in a timely manner?

I notice you can’t buy a 3X. Do you have to actually wear it? I suppose I could buy a small and wear it as a bandana.

I remember going to see the Texas Rangers in their original ballpark back in the seventies. Metal bleachers that made deafening noises on bat night, 108° in the shade. If they hadn’t had water fountains (with really long lines) we’d never have made it out alive. —but if you ever get to go see their spring training

“To use tennis as an analogy, our job is to make sure the court is ready—the surface is flat, the lines painted, the net at the correct height,” Meta President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg said during a 2019 speech. “But we don’t pick up a racket and start playing. How the players play the game is up to them, not us.”

Did you notice who the street vendor was? Look it up. This was a joke for film buffs.

I’ll wager about 80% of his accounts go away, and then 85% of his advertisers fly the coop.  All that will be left is rightwing assholes and journalists paid to be there.

One of the first reports after taking charge was the Musk was asking for a report on which coders had submitted the most lines of code in order to identify “low producing” coders. Experienced coders immediately pointed out that coders working on the most difficult problems are the ones who submit the least code just

Actually, before the Elon mess exploded, there was already speculation that Twitter was going to have to cut nearly 40% of its workforce to appease existing stockholders. Compared to all other social media companies, it’s roster of employees was vastly overgrown and inefficient. Elon initially came in with a plan to

I have yet to hear any mention at all of the previous Friday the Thirteenth TV series, (which had nothing to do with the movie series). There’s an almost superstitious quality to its absence.

I still think Sulu’s leather jacket from The Search For Spock is cool.

Someday, politicians will learn what mandate actually means.

When I first saw the image of the Star Trek crew, I thought DeForest Kelley was wearing the same suit as when he first appeared in The Motion Picture. Close but no cigar.

So the Headless Horseman merged The Crow and Ghost Rider.  I guess these kids are too young for Kolchak.

If God hates all the same things that you hate, it’s pretty certain that you’ve created God in your own image.

Give it a year.