
I’m honestly surprise that sailboats aren’t a bigger thing in TWD. Particularly on the coast.

Oklahoma is mostly boring - except for the last stretch of roads as you move from Oklahoma into Arkansas. The stretch that is so brief there is no opportunity to turn off of it to go north or south is full of low mountains and genuinely pretty - for most of the year. If you’re forced to drive through the eastern

If you aren’t remorseful and are trying to convince me you are, it is my business. And, you’re an asshat. You can never deserve forgiveness without repentance.  That’s the problem with too many religions.

Nice to see the kinja-verse finally acknowledging that black & white films are worth recognition again. Haven’t seen much appreciation of pre-internet era media of any type since io9 imploded. I really miss that.

It’s actually starting to sound like Manchin successfully played Mitch McConnell. Mitch was threatening to tank a badly wanted semiconductor support bill if the climate bill garnered enough backing to pass, but that bill was passed just four hours before Manchin’s turnabout. Mitch lost leverage and Joe appears to have

No one has ever made a better breakfast-in-your-car meal.

I simply cannot conceive the amount of political pressure that whizzes around the upper echelons of Roscosmos. The director of NASA works in a pressure cooker of his own is pretty well understood, but if the director of Roscosmos gives a damn about anything other than political appearances, he must exist in one of the

SG-1 was also good about something most Trek shows took a season and a half to learn: If you have a large ensemble, split them apart to handle different plot elements. Each mix and match pairing brings a different dynamic to how they approached problems, and flicking between them keeps the camerawork lively.

Scientists were also baffled by the sudden inexplicable appearance of a bowl of petunias in the same vicinity.

1979, The Amityville Horror. (Rated R). I was 12, but lived in a small town and it was easy to get into movies I wasn’t supposed to - they didn’t care. I had already read the book, and was heavily into a cryptid / ghost stories phase, so I thought I was prepared. This was long before amateur ghost hunter shows took

During the announcement, the NASA rep described it this way: If you put one grain of sand on the end of one finger and hold it at arm’s length, it would easily block the entirety of the area in the sky seen in this image. If that doesn’t impress you, that’s your loss.

Dawdler, if your car requires you to step on the brake to start your engine, take your foot off the brake until you are prepared to shift out of Park and leave. Active tail lights imply that you are about to move in one direction or another.

Nice! I’m gonna have to go find this place. The first two sentences on the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries site read “Tunica Hills WMA is composed of two separate tracts. The North Tract (2,346 acres) is immediately adjacent to the Louisiana State Penitentiary.” Now, they know tourism!

I had a friend who owned a ‘tracer gun’. He had exactly three ‘jet discs’ left, and we spent more time trying to find them after firing them than we did playing with the gun.

Now playing

Any mention of Ihigenia brings this to mind:

I’m good with the revamp, but... name one place in the Louisiana bayou that has a waterfall - or a mountain.

I think it’s closer to say that the people who bitched most about the first movie still pulled their collars up, pulled their hats down, and snuck in to watch it again. and again. Then they bitched some more. And even more once it showed up n TV and they didn’t have to pay to see it. Bitching about movies draws more

Not a joke.

I would love a second season, one where Ben has no reason to be in contact with anyone from his old life other than Qui-Gon. My personal plot would be for the Empire to be rapidly advancing through the local systems, and for Ben to realize that the only way to keep the Empire away from Tatooine is to manipulate the

Do I apply the rule to myself? You bet. In fact, it has been literally years since I’ve been in a parking lot without spaces all over, once you accept that walking an extra fifty yards won’t kill you.