
I like how in the poster for the dinosaur movie, the dino’s head is three stories tall, but in the trailer, the beasties are rarely larger than the actors.

Don’t forget the perennial classic, “Read the obituary pages.

As always, use your turn signals.

But compare it to what it was up against at the time - it was a significant step forward for comic-based movies.

If you see someone climbing back into their car DO NOT stop in the aisle, waiting for them to back out. The reality of modern life is that someone returning to their car will start the engine to get their A/C and radio running, then spend the next minute or more organizing their phone - all before even starting to

The tricky part is that despite how good Blade I and II were, they can’t risk even implying that Blade III is canon - it’s just too horrible a film. I think Snipes could create a great role in the MCU, but not as Blade. I’d kinda like to see him be one of the resources for Whistler’s creatures-of-the-night background r

You need to watch the end of Blade Runner again. That line came from Deckard’s partner, not a Replicant.

“Make it less boring. More Like TikTok! You know what excites people? Dumpster fires! Like what those cat videos did for YouTube!

Apple’s Pro-Privacy Stance is Anti-Competition”

“not only is the merging of plants real, it is happening

I said “Lou Reed’s in the cow pen!

e.g.: HTML works pretty well on both big-screen monitors and tiny cell phone screens.

It’s not going to run your whole car, it will report the data your car sends it.  The manufacturer will still decide which screens to send that data to.

Texas’s Dealer Franchise laws came into existence because automakers announced plans to bring company owned dealerships into Texas and shut down franchisees. When franchisees protested, the car companies threatened to constrain their allocations - and DID start charging the most vocal franchisees more money, which got

Please read up on Public Key Encryption before you start whining about something you clearly do not understand.

The only Republican competitor was another politically desperate child of the Bush Clan from Florida who was backed by Donald Trump, and two newbie nobodies whose ONLY position was “bring back Donald”. For the Republican Primary, there were no good options for the GOP candidate for one of the most powerful positions

Ah, a throwback to the days when you got your special video effects by banging on the side of a CRT monitor.

Most burgers are better with horsey sauce.

In Ft. Worth, Texas, visit Kincaid’s. It began as a local meat market back in 1946 that served burgers out of the back of the store (a stand-up affair - there were no tables).  It’s still fantastic.

In my hometown, the long-time best local burger joint (Jesse’s Drive-In, Mineral Wells, TX) sold to new-to-town residents a few years ago. The new buyers were so impressed with the place that they made arrangements for the original owners to stay on for a month, to teach them how each menu item was prepared, so that