
Oh! We also had a Cayenne come through with the VW V10 diesel, gas powered heater and euro power trailer hitch.

We once had a bunch of barely disguised 911 prototypes parked outside of a big chain restaurant. This is happening in cities with 1M+ populations. We also had a weird Cayenne at the dealership once. It was about a year before the new model came out. Cosmetically it was the first generation. Inside was something else.

No camo. German car makers seem to do a lot of testing here (Alberta). Winters can be brutal up north and there aren’t a lot of people hunting for prototypes. It’s a very big place, with a huge variety of landscapes and weather.

I used to be able to tell them apart. Not so much now.

There’s the idea of maintaining a brand identity and then there’s the problem of not knowing which car you’re looking at. You can have a design language, but still differentiate models. BMW used to be good at this.

I have trouble getting excited about new BMWs these days. For the most part, they just look like bigger of smaller versions of one another. I did, however, see a new 850 yesterday. It’s got presence. That made me stare.

Y’know, Alex Roy sometimes annoys me, but this was funny as hell, because Parker Nirenstein annoys me all the time.

Things I’ve found in cars while repairing them. (I suspect all were there from the time of manufacture) Wrench, screwdriver and an unidentified hooky/pokey tool.

I was gonna say this. I steer clear of those. There must be some kind of psychic asshole generating field in these things.

Meh. They lost credibility when they announced a crossover.

I had a friend with a late 80s 626. I thought it was cool because it was really reliable and had those vents in the dashboard that oscillated like a fan. Don’t remember much else. I think it was silver, maybe.

I’m willing to suspend my disbelief to a large degree. When the effects aren’t even on par Who Framed Roger Rabbit, I kinda step out for some freaky air mentally.

How can you possibly forget you’ve got a loaded weapon in your possession? How could you not check before heading to an airport? How do these people tie their shoes in the morning?

Does anyone else think it’s weird that VTEC still seems to be a big deal for some people? It’s just a variation of a variable cam scheme, similar to what every other car in the world has now. You GT that same whoosh of noise and *power* at 5000rpm in a base model Corolla.

If I was driving that car in that city, I’d do the same.

There’s a new Top Gear USA? I had no idea. After the last one, I just stopped paying attention. Only took one episode.

I thought you guys were Saskatchawinians or Sasquatches or something.

It lowered. We got it comfortable, but I think in their search for gangster cred, Chrysler went a bit far.

Those big lumps in front of the rear tires still appear silly to me. Besides looking like saddlebags, they look as if they were developed by a totally separate group of engineers than hose who did the rear wing.