You mean fluff-weight, milquetoast, expressionless, boring junk?
You mean fluff-weight, milquetoast, expressionless, boring junk?
I finally gave in and watched the video for “thank you, next,” just to see all the pop culture references. This was also the first time I heard the song, and I just found it so incredibly blah. I kept waiting for it to kick in in some way but the whole thing felt like a terribly slow intro or something.
“I’m convinced a sizeable portion of our elected officials are faking it.”
One of my friends suggested I run for a local office a couple of years ago, because I’m generally pretty civic minded. She was surprised when I told her I could never get elected. Why? I’m an atheist and I refuse to lie about that with some bullshit lipservice like, “I was raised Catholic.”
Sounds about White.
We’re teaching our kid to start calling all adults Mrs. or Mr. to start off. Then if she/he wants to go by the first name or anything else, that’s fine.
Man, the stupid. Stars are giant balls of nuclear fusion, they don’t give a crap what lotto numbers you’re going to pick or what chance you have of sticking your penis in another person. Just because people have been doing it for centuries doesn’t mean anything. People have been smoking opium for centuries too. But…
Stop giving this stupid practice credence.
It’s always astounding to me how many otherwise intelligent people I know who think that “Mercury in retrograde” actually affects anything at all. Oh wait, it’s depressing. I meant depressing.
Trump. Climate change denial. White supremacy. Stupid is having a strong resurgence.
A woman feeling harassed does not equal a woman being harassed. This is why no one takes #metoo seriously anymore.
the “my great great great great great grandmother was a cherokee princess” thing needs to fucking die already. Not only is it usually inaccurate, irrelevant to whether a person is actually native, and part of the “blood quantum” shit, it’s also only ever trotted out when someone is either trying to prove that they…
The one thing I was adamant about when having my daughter was NO PINK. No pink at the damn baby shower and no pink baby clothes. Most folks honored my wishes because I was the crankiest, meanest pregnant women in a 30 mile radius.
This whole paragraph of names sounds like an AI gossip generator got its wires crossed with a Roomba.
This whole paragraph of names sounds like an AI gossip generator got its wires crossed with a Roomba.
Somewhat related - I only *just* watched Steel Magnolias for the first time and Dolly is a goddamn delight!!
University of Chicago is a private college. Due process rights are only for government entities. A private institution can expel anyone they want.
That baby doesn’t like pink, pink has been thrust upon her.
FRANKIE SAYS RELAX, Jessica Simpson. Clearly Portman was using her photo as an example of how the MEDIA pushes so many messages to women and young girls. Be sexy! But be a virgin! But be a good girl! But guys only like girls who put out! etc., and etc. Jeebus, why is everything so fucking personal?
Who the fuck would choose Nick Jonas for anything, let alone a lifelong romantic partner? Are we sure Chopra isn’t being blackmailed or drugged?