
Maybe you should have posted that first, instead of the bullshit you did post. I'm immediately suspicious of anyone feeling the need to play "devil's advocate" when it comes to statutory rape, because you read as nothing more than an apologist. Why play "devil's advocate?" What's the point? You could do that for

If you think I'm implying that, than you didn't actually read anything I wrote.

Why not just let him clarify for himself?

I'm sure he feels all warm and fuzzy from all of the people weirdly feeling like they need to defend him. I imagine he's been weeping softly to himself at just what a big meanie I'm being to him.

Citiation? Please? Any proof to back up your statement that 13-year-olds girls are cheerfully, willingly fucking older men? Can I get some statistics?

Those aren't scare quotes - they're quotes. Bad attempt to deflect attention away from you.

Please re-read your original post. I don't think you meant to imply what you did. It sounds pretty creepy.

What . . . what do YOU think puberty is? Seriously?

No, they said that women are sexually available. That's not the same thing. If making babies as early as possible is the argument you're making, then why bring 50-year-olds into it? Presumably, a 50-year-old male would have ample time to fuck and procreate with women from age 12 on. Where are all of the boys marrying

Citation? Here's your "purely biological standpoint." Puberty isn't something that has remained fixed for all time. The average age for menarch has decreased from 15-18 years down to 7-12 years. Trying to claim that mean want to fuck 14-year-old because they can produce more children is a faulty argument if you're

What the fuck does that even mean? "Women" are sexually "available?" at puberty? What is that a euphemism for? I seriously have no idea what exactly you're trying to imply. Are you trying to make some kind bizarre argument that as soon as a girl has her period, she secretly wants to fuck 50-year-olds? Because NO to

Psscht - nothing but necrophobic stereotypes. I find your bigotry against the life-impaired to be very offensive.

And by "late in his career," you are referring of course to Zombie Steve McQueen.

I'm mostly excited for the movie just for him.

It's Chi (i as in "ick")-wet-all Edge-ee-oh-four I believe.

You need to be a little bit more subtle about it.

Meh, I still feel pretty bad for Lindsay. With parents like those, she never stood much of a chance.

Actually, the difference is that Glover is suffering from depression, and Amanda Bynes is suffering from a mental illness so severe she doesn't realize that she needed to ask for help. So more sympathy should really be going to Amanda Bynes, if you ask me.

Yet you can afford those things, so you're still better off than 90% of humanity. In comparison to the majority of humans, you are the whiny rich bastard.