. . . that's a space station . . . .
. . . that's a space station . . . .
I think the problem is that Nanjiani is too accustomed to Pete Holmes' complete lack of sense or appropriate boundaries.
"Harmon ranting but clearly not having anything of value to say"
I . . . also . . . enjoy . . . using . . . ellipses . . . when . . . being . . . tragically . . . wrong.
@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Have you ever been in a situation anything like that? I'm guessing no. I have, and yeah, the panic reflex takes a bit to get over.
@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Hm, I didn't really set up any straw men there. I do think it's a little weird though that you interpret her reaction at having her only connection to planet Earth destroyed and spinning off helplessly into space as a "hyperventilating panic schtick." I think you might…
Also, not really getting where she's obsessed with her dead child. I'm assuming you're not actually a parent, since if you were, you would know that the death of a child, especially such a senseless death, is the worst thing that can happen to a parent. My spouse was upset enough during her description of her kid's…
I thought the music was amazing, and was perfect at every point. To each their own, I guess.
So you haven't actually seen it, then.
". . . oh, she's in space because she lost her daughter…otherwise, no sane woman would be in space because they'd have to take care of their family, amirite?"
Not really sure where you're getting that from. At no time was that implied by the dialogue. The dead kid thing was put in there as an automatic empathy-getter…
Michael Gambon was horrible in that one, and overacted in every scene he was in. Completely killed the movie for me.
Did we see different movies? Did you not see the version Goblet of Fire where every one of the actors hilariously over-acted? http://haveyouevercriedwolf…
@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus I think you're kind of ignoring the fact that having someone like, say, the Clooney character be the main focus would lessen the impact of the movie for the audience. There's a reason that Bullock's character is written as a uncertain first-timer - it builds empathy from…
Did she complain about that at any point? I don't recall that at all.
I'm not a huge Imax fan, but it totally worth it. The only movie I've seen that I definitely recommend seeing in 3D Imax.
Yes, the irony of her statement is that no matter what Cyrus does, some guys in suit are always going to be making more money off anything she does than she will.
Please, you'd jerk it to Joe Pesci flossing.
"And even if you don't want to fuck me, LOOKIT ME! I'm nekkid! I'm doing something that's controversial for some reason, so click on that link and generate page views and more fame for me! Weeeeeee!"
Well . . . this is the most insightful and relevant comment I've read about the stupidity so far. Well done.
I'm assuming that you're being completely sincere, since nothing that she's doing has anything to do with how she feels, or doesn't feel, about sex.