"Even as talented as she is . . . " Wait . . . whaaaat? Are you confused about who Miley Cyrus is?
"Even as talented as she is . . . " Wait . . . whaaaat? Are you confused about who Miley Cyrus is?
The most annoying part of this whole kerfuffle is that people are actually pretending that Cyrus's actions have anything to do with anything other than a canny, if cynical bid for publicity. Her music is forgettable, and taking your clothes off is the easiest and cheapest way to ensure that it won't be forgotten.
I think I've blocked that one from my memory.
Replacement Killers was worth watching, but only for Chow Yun-Fat. I'd watch him shooting up a phone book, though, so I'm not too objective.
No way, I like my Ichabod all . . . dirty. It's a good look for him.
Also, I if see one more pre-twentieth century character wearing modern make-up, I will hunt whoever is responsible for it down and piddle in their soup.
It's like theater.
Well, that jacket and those boots are damn sexy, so I kind of hope not.
I think the show benefiting from low expectations on your part, then. I should clarify that I mostly enjoy the dialogue, but too much of the plotting is lazy and nonsensical.
It's good - not the best Chow Yun-Fat flick, but I've found anything involving Chow Yun-Fat is generally worth seeing.
I enjoy this show immensely, mostly because of the ludicrous supernatural bullshit, but let's be serious. It is not a very well written show. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt because plenty of shows, including Buffy, had rocky starts. Here's hoping the writing tightens up a bit.
Just to add to everyone else's great advice - I'm older than you and have been through watching my mother get sick and pass away when I was in my early twenties. I hope very much that your mother's condition improves, but I remember how stressful that was. I think your friends think that having a significant other…
I love you Cookie Monster, but careful about speaking for most women. I think orgasms are pretty important.
Try this: http://www.youtube.com/watc…
@avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576:disqus Yeah, except the original dialogue is heavy centered around the evils of her loss of virginity rather than just the fact that she cheated on Claudio. Some skillful editing could change that, though.
His Twitter account reveals an excellent taste in music, as well as an occasional taste for the most cheesy of all of the cheese. This did not surprise me. His love of movies is that same - he'll rave about some high brow film and then wax poetic about how much he loves Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls.
You didn't know?? I assume that you have never been on Tumblr, ever.
Was there any swooning? Did you swoon?
Twelfth Night is a great intro piece as well.
@avclub-8677065f187e98d8beacdc700e49f6ef:disqus Liked for the FIGWIT reference.