
Red Rum... Red Rum

@miss.terious: Who says he married her under false pretenses? People fall out of love all of the time, whether they married or just dating. Why do you think that divorce rates are above 50%?

@clevernamehere: Never assume that someone "is new" or "is a rapid fan" of a particular topic or website, just because they haven't posted before. Some people aren't as witty to get the posts posted, some would rather just read the articles as opposed to commenting on the articles and some people would rather just

@alula: It's also hard to prove SOMETHING did happen. Right now, it's word against word.

For those of you who don't live in Toronto, the Alternative Media Centre and the Toronto Community Mobilization Network are extreme socialist organizations that would love nothing but to tarnish the Toronto police force. To say they might be biased on the police actions would be an understatement and could be

I wonder how many times this picture is going to be photoshopped.

That magazine has more mileage on it than Heidi does.

Wow... looks like everyone is having a bad weekend. This commercial actually made me smile. Usually, I abhor commercials because they are so contrived and/or boring. But I thought this commercial was a funny way to introduce a new product.

Tracie looks super hot!!!!

Everytime I can't find my pen, I'll walk around the office saying... "My Pen... Where's my pen?"

There is truth in advertisment afterall and yes her boobs are make believe.

Sure, she may be cute and all, but her story made no damn sense at all. Ugghh.

What hypocracy this sites readers have.

Okay.. so you don't like McCain... I get it... jezzz.

After seeing this, I maybe the next top ugly model.

What's even more amazing and disgusting is that they mention her murder's name on her tribute page at the Military Time's website.

Umm, perhaps that is what the guy was going for in the first place. Some dudes like the whole gagging chick thing, makes them feel big or something. With the rise in gagging fellatio porn out there, this will only get worse.

Why is she walking around with her ass sticking out?

So essentially what has happened is that a hip website has been bought out by a global company in order to be a shill for high priced fashion crap and other lame stupid "20 great ways to have sex and put on your make-up" stories that everyone by-passes at the local grocery store.