
Came up for me a couple times at work. The best thing I could sign was "My sign language is very bad." They thought it was funny, and our transactions went great, though they had to be quite patient with me. They could also lipread, so same thing, we got over the numerous holes in my knowledge.

Haven't tried Vyvanse. Working through Viibryd [sp?], a 60mg dose (1½ pills). I've not had anything yet that does more than take the "edge" off; the thoughts continue, even when I'm actively engaged in my work, painting, whatever. So I'll see what may be ahead when the next round of evaluations comes back.
But yeah, I

My thoughts haven't been about who will miss me or not; everybody is missed to an extent. My whole deal has been that if I do kill myself, I hope I will simply be forgotten.

Looking into ADHD (again), to see if I can get my Rit script back.

I had a friend, a mentor, who really looked out for me. He shot himself in the heart. When I mentioned this to others, they expressed outrage at his "selfishness" and said they could not forgive him. I called bullshit. If I ever see Ross again, it won't be to express anger. I'd simply tell him I love him and I think

That's one of the major reasons I'm still here. If not THE reason.

My treatment resistant depression really fucks up my priorities and my thinking. When you start spiraling, you can't see beyond your own pain; how your death may affect others doesn't enter into the equation, because you simply cannot see it.

I don't remember if either of the Davids left notes. Don't think Ian left one, unless it was "Fuck America."

I say Rip It.
Rip It good.

I watched the shit out of that show. I also recorded a bunch of explosions that I then used in a play (this was the sixth grade. I was seventeen…)

I had spotted dick, but the doctor gave me an ointment and it went away.

Citizen Ruth

you clearly do not know how to have fun with your kids. cat shit, dog shit, skunk shit, horse shit…my daughter would eat all of it if i just promised to stop beating her.

And I've been wasting my time hoping Dave Barry was dead…

Looks like this is OOP, but it's fantastic to listen to with headphones:
The Sounds of Star Wars [Amazon]:


The trailer for XXX:
"It's time….for this Jedi…to finish…."

Inmates simply call it "The Walls," presumably because no one (save Tom Tuttle) wants to say "Walla Walla."

I used to play Yahtzee with Nahtzees.

A Wilkinson could do the job.