
"Paging Doctor Carmack…"

When you're a Cap
You're a damn Capulet

"And now Marvel and Coco-Cola…"

Having read his work, including the straight-up autobiographical bits, I'm also not on board here. Maybe I'll torrent it and have it running in the background while I run a cheese grater on my butt…

I think he's had longer. The notice, a notice, some kind of notice wafted through his office as a proposal, and nothing was probably done. Even then, another notice must have gone out when the project/design threshold hit 30%. There have been numerous opportunities, and all were ignored. Now, the ACE LOVES IT when

This is what I was about to say. I'd rather have no show than any iteration involving KS. Fuck that guy. Fuck him.

"So we don't have a lot of time to write what's going to be the final sea-"

What was really pissing me off was Dexter should have ended at least two seasons prior (probably four). I was afraid he wasn't going to be killed, and was furious he wasn't; I really wanted the series to end, and in a way, it hasn't.

Constant. You exaggerate not.


I remember it was advertised as being available on a red cartridge for "a limited time only!" Was a single cartridge made that wasn't red?

"after Black people get their reparations…"
1. Black people will NEVER get reparations.
2. Even if it does happen (see 1, above), it will be
long after the last person who uses the term "Black"
has died.

That's because he was 11 in the third grade.

It's not as much his mysterious plan as it's the story he wants to tell.

Ream-fucking is a thing. Happens all the time at Pop Copy. Staple-shitting was more of a Kinko's thing…and Staples, to a much lesser extent.

Didn't he do the voice of the Great Rape Ape?

Not overwhelming. Absolute.

Was my first purchase of one of his albums. Definitely wasn't the last.

Don't know if anyone's mentioned it, but Terry Gross just played an interview from a couple years ago. Great stuff.

Thanks, Trump.