
Wait, what? You mean they're not now?

Not the first. Natives were first, but that chopper's circling around for us again; maybe it's never stopped.

Bill just changed his vote.

slang for leper. saw two leppos on my way to work this morning. thought there was a third (called a trileppo), but turned out to be one of their arms.

What do you mean "some of your favorite TV stars?" They're ALL my favorite stars!!

"…her dad left her to raise another family."

Yes, but they both suck. MoaIM is a real fun book, made into a forgettable movie.

I'd put on "Roundabout." You can take a pretty efficient dump in that amount of time.

Nazi in my back yard, you don't.

"your mother should have aborted you…" was always my favorite line from Knight Rider.

I made a video similar to this, but it's not sugar, it's black bean soup. Anybody have Saget's address?

saw them in vegas. meh.

Do they still make spap oop?

or a North American Marlon Brando Look-Alike.

What has three million legs but can't walk?
Still cracks me up.

Tell both, but realise it's no longer science fiction. I was way, way on board with Looper until they brought in the TK. I threw up my hands at that point: Now Shit Can Just Fly In From Anywhere. eff that ess.

"Where is your evidence that there is any kind of actual ( and by default widespread) institutional oppression?"

I only watched this ep last night, and also thought it was an MT/TG moment. I had such a crush on her…

I think the nail gun myth was originally perpetrated on the Wire, as a nail gun using gunpowder would require a firearms permit to operate.

JDatE: Ugh. Coscarelli did the best he could, but I don't think he fully understood what shiite the book is. Episodic in structure, and the author lacked an overall vision, just writing gross stuff to see what would stick. I pick the worst shit to finish, when I should have bailed 110 pages in at most.