Kill this man right this minute. Honestly, kill him and everyone associated with him.
Kill this man right this minute. Honestly, kill him and everyone associated with him.
The game started out....alright, but it is a hardcore Gacha game from Japan that severely abuses its player base. It reflects poorly on Square Enix to continue to plow headlong into these Gacha markets because the long term effect is absolutely visible. Fans get that bad taste in their mouth from Indie mobile games…
DMCA is a fucking plague on society.
you’d be surprised how much Hawaii has in common with Alabama....hint...the education systems are on par with each other which leads to some casual racism being “Ok” in the state
look at that pussy coach rush up and start cussing at the dudes on the field, gets up and bumps them, then player bumps him back and he starts screaming foul....100% trump supporter right there
Is this shit the new snakeoil for politicians? I swear it comes up every couple of months and everyone gets to yell “THIS IS STUPID, ITS PROVEN STUPID, STOP PUTTING MONEY INTO STUPID!!!!”