Reagan, bush, Clinton, and Obama were all rightfully called war criminals.
Reagan, bush, Clinton, and Obama were all rightfully called war criminals.
Sorry but she is a war criminal. The Democratic Party shouldn’t get a blank check to do whatever they want so long as someone slightly worse is running against them. Losing would have taught them to cater to their base instead of constantly moving to the right. Trump couldn’t destroy America even if he really wanted…
How very evolved of you. Let's not talk about her ties to big business and let's just talk about sexism forever. Hillary never pandered to anyone in an unbecoming way did she?
People say this every year. And no one is trying to promote third parties ‘top down.’ How exactly do you think that's happening? Is Obama shoving stein down our throats or something?
She's about to become president of the USA. In what way did her career tank?
You’re grossly misrepresenting what stein said. And your trick works with Hillary too. “The other is a corporate whore who supported the Iraq war.” See?
Are you kidding? I’m sorry but while trump would be a terrible president, the world would not end during his four years in office. If Obama couldn’t transform America to his liking trump will likewise be unable to create the kind of country he says he wants. And he’s probably still pandering to his base with most of…
Because she's about to become president of the United States. Someone sure as hell advanced her career
You're an idiot. I'm a communist.
Sounds like you’ve really got Hillary’s back. Hope that works out for you
You’re still allowing the right to control your decisions though if you give Hillary a pass just because the right hates her. There are plenty of great reasons to hate Hillary that the right doesn’t mention. Also, I want to point out that that the right actually seems to be beginning to soften up on her. Several…
Then don't blame Camille Cosby for bill
You're certain of that, are you?
Um because one of those accusations is supported with actual evidence.
You have no sense of humor. You should smile more sweetheart.