
Proyas looks like he’s auditioning to play Oswald Cobblepot.

The originals hold up just as well today, so as long as it keeps the quality, I say bring it on. Creepy morality plays are the best.

Do we really need Twilight Zone in a world where we have steady Black Mirror?

That question reads like I’m implying that we don’t, but I actually don’t know.

I think these women are saying they did Nazi this coming.

In all honesty, I could see Tarantino making a Star Trek movie more faithful to the spirit of the original series than just about anyone else. Assuming he’s a fan, and that’s his goal, he could make a more cerebral Trek, keep it from devolving into dull action shlock, and still sell it to a wide audience. 

We need help. Call the Targ!

Is there a sign on my garage that says “Dead Klingon Storage”?

It turns out the Stallion Who Mounts The World will be a giant fucking seahorse ridden by Aquaman.

We should consider the horrifying reality that, to most Americans, “the homelessness problem” does not refer to the suffering of the people who are living on the streets; rather, it consists of the inconvenience of having to look at them.

The TV show is a sad story. There was a pilot, which got leaked (maybe to drum up interest), but the leaking enraged the WB so much they canned the whole thing.

Deeply mediocre doesn’t begin to cover it. The idea is that EVERYONE with this app is basically tweeting “keep an eye out for a guy in a leather jacket stealing purses” and shit.

But isn’t the paradox there that the crowd was wise enough to reject the Wisdom of the Crowd?

I think the best of these was easily Louis Theroux’s. Just when there’s the risk of normalizing or humanizing them even just a bit, he’d subtly provide just enough of a flint so that they could set their dumpster up in flames.

Gee, it’s almost like issues of racism/sexism and whether or not Toy Story needs another sequel are two totally different issues in terms of both scale and importance, and to compare them would make a person look quite stupid.

Is there a grownup who could teach you how to comment in a way that is not shrill and irritating?

Louis CK sexually abused multiple women.

The ending-ending is totally full of whut, but ME3 as a whole as the finale to the trilogy is very satisfying.

That's how I feel about the Battlestar Galactica finale.

While I disagree, I'm not going to let my feelings about the last ten minutes color three incredibly strong games.