
While that would have been awesome, I don’t know if it is quite a tragedy if only because how different the characters, especially Addison’s were. Also might just be a bit protective considering how perfect their last scene together in The Thick of it Was

I suppose, I just remember not hearing about things though granted a fair amount of those accusations are older then I am. Plus there are a ton of open secrets in Hollywood that especially if you are semi plugged in so sometimes you forget most people on the outside have no idea. For all I we know this stuff in Austin

Possible, alot of it depends on where it is filmed, Capaldi has said that one reason he never went “Hollywood” was his preference for being physically in the UK. That being said this was also at the relative start of his fame about 14 years ago when his children were still young. Coming off of what will most likely be

Probably the great tragedy of the Capaldi era is that Iannucci never got a chance to deal with him.

I mean there really only is one Red Dwarf, plus sci-fi comedy can be amazing if in the hands of people who know and appreciate the genre, Rick and Morty and Back to the Future come to mind.

I mean that would be something a garbage person does, and if the threads over the last few days have proven anything, even if he is completely innocent of this claim he is a garbage person.

Yea, stuff like that from him drives me crazy, not only because of the stupidity of the statement when tied to previous statement, but also as a teacher in the humanities. It is just so ignorant of what is actually going on, why these issues are there in the first place and the other factors that create these

Oh I agree, personally I can nitpick the fuck out of a show, do not get me started on Ted being an architecture professor on HIMYM, but its all about how it fits in with the mileu of the program itself and what is the impact of the error itself. For example, wizards in Harry Potter fine, wizards in Law and Order: SVU

Eh there are a fair number of other thinking people especially in the sciences, I have been able to reconcile Bill Nye’s disckish behavior with my childhood nostalgia and his effectivness as a public speaker. Plus I aid else where for his field and STEM he is a godsend, a la his rap response to B.O.B, but when he is

Yea, that is my usual response but damn it I need to believe in something. I said else where it could be for other reason but regardless its still better then very publicly shaming someone out of a job for this type of behavior only to secretly hire them back in less time then it takes to fill out the unemployment

I mean it is sad something so obvious and well researched has so many supporters. C’mon Neil just admit you have been to the ice wall at the edge of the world so we can support real science and inquiry! All hail to the timecube!

Yea, as much as I like Tyson and think he is a good spokesperson for STEM in our society I do have a bit of an issue with his elitism towards science fixes everything he and alot of his peers have when it comes to credibility.

Well I concede then from now on all movie reviews must now go though a blind peer review process by 3 phd.s in the physical sciences before publication.

Who knows, and granted I read it on wikipedia so who knows, but it could have been a small setting and really gets in the narrative of him being raised as a film nerd and thus authoritative. The other story he likes to throw around is how he bought a bunch of rare classic marquee posters from the trunk of a supposed

My god this is fantastic! thank you for this lost find!

That actually makes me very, very excited! More so because I doubt I will ever have enough Alan Partridge in my life. I also think given the previous series and movies Alan has always been much more of a character study about just how truly terrible this one man can be. I wouldn’t be surprised that even if Iannucci

Not surprised, to mildly play armchair psychologist for a second. I think while is proud of all his work so far and wouldn’t change anyway his career went I do think he wishes he got to have a bit more variety and scope of projects, a la, Coogan, or to do something fundamental transformative to the medium, a la

Counter-Counter-Point: He is a scientist and yet we live in a world without jetpacks so fuck him for not doing is damn job.

I am still amazed he did not over take fedora guy as the prototypical neckbeard image on reddit.

Yea, could be there were rumors for years, how long ago did 30 rock make that Bill Cosby joke for example, and now that it comes out it feels like confirmation to them. They could be hiding there own more detailed prior knowledge or could be other issues going on we don’t know about and this is as good a reason ad any