
It’s money. Maybe not straight bribery, but someone offered her a no-work job after she leaves the legislature (because she’s sure as shit not getting re-elected) that will dramatically change her lifestyle.

Your average Hollywood blockbuster has a $200m budget and spends as much if not more than that on marketing. That’s for 2-3h of entertainment.

Brothers, sisters - let me introduce you to the wonderful world of Battletech.

Something important to remember is that for all the talk about Democrats being fractious, the GOP’s divides are just as deep.

Smith explained that after her divorce from her first husband, she found Jesus in a coffee shop

This just in: network that advocates on behalf of the “Women Are Things” political party does not respect women in the workplace!

This case is an outcome in search of a rationale.

It takes three generations to get out of the trailer park.

I’m reminded of the quote that is attributed to Shigeru Miyamoto - “A delayed game is eventually good, but a bad game is bad forever.”

It’s worse than than that.

All of that is certainly a consideration, but there isn’t demographic data to support preferences for one race vs. another, preference for political affiliation, desire to have children, etc.

Honestly, I find myself wondering why the hell we’re still fighting over straight cis men (arguably the most unimpressive of our species) in the year 2023

As a native Hoosier and graduate of IU, these people are why I left my home state for good. Deeply ignorant, unrepentant, and unserious. They’ll drag every state they run back into the dark ages and complain when they become uncompetitive and fall further and further behind the rest of the country.

Schumer is 72, Grassley should also have retired years ago, McConnell is 80 and suffering health issues, Durbin is 78, and Byrd and Thurmond should have retired (or been retired) a decade or more before they actually did.

It’s one thing when your competition is She-Hulk on Disney+.

So in my day job, I’m a consultant. I help big companies, companies much bigger than Twitter, solve problems. More often than not, I’m called in when these companies have seemingly tried everything and nothing is working.

The pilot for Glee was a darkly funny and somewhat subversive take on midwest high school show choir.

As usual, conservatives have decided that the correct response to a minor and temporary inconvenience (occasionally learning a new name, new set of pronouns, or maybe sharing a bathroom with someone that makes them feel uncomfortable) requires a violent, over the top solution.

When one person is fired, you can make the argument that it’s their own fault. Either they didn’t meet expectations or did something dumb.

Something I would like to see in future debates, in general: