
So after burning through a ton of Destiny 2 over a period of a couple weeks, tackling some of the game’s more difficult challenges, and finding myself both with a lack of Vault space and a desire to keep grinding, I decided to go back to my previous MMO crush, Star Trek Online.

It’s called “creative resuse”, and professionals in every industry do it.

As a Battletech fan that had to put up with Harmony Gold’s Robotech and Macross-related bullshit for literal decades, I really wish some of these companies would realize that collaborating with content creators, licensing their works outside of Japan, and embracing a more expansive view of fair use only helps them in

If I had to guess, it’ll be Kentaji Brown Jackson. Public defender, clerked for Breyer, Harvard BA and JD, and nominated for Garland’s seat seemingly specifically to put her in a position for SCOTUS should a spot open up.

I’m a simple man, with simple tastes.

No. Bungie bought themselves out from Microsoft, and bought themselves out from Activision. They’re self-publishing now, so this deal doesn’t affect them.

but is he in any way qualified to be president?”

CoolGuy, a pretty well-known Destiny 2 streamer, had this to say about D2's competitive mode a few weeks ago:

If the Eleventh Commandment to conservatives is “Never criticize a fellow Republican.”, then the Twelfth is surely “Never engage in any introspection.”

Here’s the thing: these dipshits LIKE getting ratio’d on Twitter. Every time they tweet some dumbass opinion or get in a fight with an ice cream sandwich or something, they get a million people going “Hell ya brother greetings from my mom’s basement!” and never see the billion people going “You dumb bitch.”

My dream is to someday translate a lifetime of skills managing complex technical projects for major corporations and turn it into a business consulting for video game studios when their “auteurs”, creative directors, and other folks completely lose the plot and they need someone to get them back on track.

I can’t even get the regular plastic MG version to stand up without falling over. There are limits to their engineering abilities here.

The way I see it, debt forgiveness is a band aid on a systemic problem.

I saved everyone my first playthrough. Why? Because the game A) emphasizes the loyalty of your crew members, B) upgrading the SR2, and C) putting the right people in the right places.

Personally, I thought that the biggest winner here was Logan.

“most of the GQP rank and file are just gullible idiots with a propensity towards evil if it’s easy. Does that mean they deserve to die?”

I kind of wonder when Shiv is going to turn on Logan. It’s coming - she’s been on the outs since the dinner last season. Logan keeps trying out his kids to see if anyone meets with his approval - first Kendall, then Shiv, now Roman - but none of them are him, so of course they’re not going to live up to that.

It’s a pretty good looking game with a so-so story and systems that are two to three generations out of date. It suffers greatly when it’s not being played on anything current gen. Expecting it to become anything other than what it is is setting yourself up for disappointment.

I remember back in the day playing a game called Freelancer. For the time, it was ambitious and good looking and really interesting, the problem is that at some point it just kind of... stopped.

Halo Infinite previews the Battle Pass: “Holy shit, this looks great! Destiny 2 needs to copy this!”