
I am not Latino, but it’s time that we stopped looking at Latinos/Hispanics as a voting bloc. The lived experience of Puerto Ricans in New York is different than Cubans in Florida or Mexicans/Central Americans in Texas and Arizona. It’s not enough for candidates to show up, say something in Spanish, and move on. They

When I’m not shitposting, my day job is a consultant. I know the power of language and how to tweak a message to make it broadly acceptable, and let me tell you that if some analyst took the problem statement “Police are not equipped to handle the wide array of jobs that we ask them to do and, as a result respond in

Well, we can start by not saying “defund the police”, because for as liberal as I am and understanding the complexities involved in that, I still thought that it was a dumb fucking slogan that would scare the bejesus out of old white people.

The Biden administration is going to need to take a power washer to the Federal government to sweep out all the Trump appointees. These people are going to be lurking there for years, subtly fucking things up in whatever way they can. Fortunately, most of them are so incompetent and unqualified for their jobs that

Allow me to paraphrase: “Look at all the women we found that would rather be Wives and Aunts rather than Handmaids or Jezebels in our Republic of Gilead!”

Centrist Democrats are always going to be the most vulnerable parts of the Congressional Caucus. By definition, they’re representing areas that aren’t necessarily 100% aligned with the Democratic Party as a whole.

538 is an aggregator that attempts to find a signal in the noise. Unfortunately, with pollsters like Trafalgar popping up, there’s a lot more noise and the signal is getting harder to hear.

Polling is reliant on phone calls. People are ditching landlines, moving exclusively to cell phones, and aren’t answering numbers they don’t know. Also, some people are lying when they respond, either to themselves or to the pollsters, with the same effect.

Biden’s guiding principles are that he’s A) a genuinely decent human being, and B) in the center of the Democratic party.

The party needs fifty Stacey Abrams’. People that know their states, can work with outside groups, register voters, get them to the polls, and raise the flag when they need more resources.

I love the energy that AOC brings to the party, but her political instincts beyond her district can be absolute dogshit.

Interviewer: “So, it looks like your resume has a gap from 2015 to 2020. What were you doing during that time period.”

She was radiant and her speech was excellent.

We need to stop thinking of Hispanic voters as a single bloc. The experiences of Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Mexican/Central Americans, and South Americans are all vastly different and all need different messages. Some will be easier, and some more difficult.

Yeah, ME1's mechanics were clunky, and the terrain on some of those planets was ridiculous.

Republicans do a great job of nationalizing any Democrat that says something that plays well in their district but is toxic anywhere else. AOC is a great example - she’s great for her district, but some of the stuff she says is just straight up dumb anywhere else.

Right now, there isn’t a scenario where Trump doesn’t win without Pennsylvania. Even flipping everything else only gets him to 265.

I appreciate the convenience of a soundbar, but they’ll never replace a 5.1.4 or better setup.

I don’t want Abrams in the cabinet, because her success in Georgia demonstrates where her real talent lies - building a grassroots organization to win specific states. That’s the expertise the DNC needs - we need fifty Stacey Abrams’ across the country.

Well, if Democrats can win both runoffs in Georgia in January, that would put us at a 50/50 tie, and whoever wins the White House would then control the Senate.