
I doubt you will find any full featured, reliable web host for FREE. I use HostPC. Its only $35 a year ($3.99 mth), and you get a ton of features.

I just added about 10 blog post to my commentful account. I then used the RSS feed feature for Google Reader. Best of both worlds. Use commentful to easily track threads/comments, etc and Google Reader to track commentful :)

worth checking out. I currently use google reader for this, but topic titles get very cluttered on the sidebar in Reader.

Do most people take the standard deduction? I've never been able to itemize. (Married, no kids) My mortgage is low (less than $600), so my mortgage interest is low each year. My medical bills are paid mostly through my medical insurance (no copay), and that is taken out by my paycheck pre-tax by my employer. My wife

Where can I download the texter source code? Since I have autohotkey installed on my system, I would rather run the .AHK file.

I decided to give Keybreeze a try, but I cant get Keybreeze to work with alt+space hotkey. It looks like you cant use the space key for a hotkey.

PDF creator is nice. I like the autosave feature that puts the current date/time in the filename.

Launchy vs Slickrun, lots of auguments. I used Launchy for about 4 mths and decided to try Slickrun again. Slickrun has less overhead, but I wish there was a way to automatically create Magicwords. Launchy auto-scans the Start Menu, but it would be nice to have the ability to auto-scan a certain folder in Slickrun.

nice. Like everyone else, I was curious why Gmail doesn't have this feature.

Buddi falls short in many ways. I tried it out, only to find it very slow to enter new transactions. As far as I can tell, there aren't any shortcut keys. You could create some with AutoHotkey of course, but all apps should have shortcut/hotkeys.

anyone know how to get Slickrun to autoscan the Startmenu and create MagicWords? This is a feature I like with Launchy, saves alot of time creating MagicWords.

Ive been using Money 2004. Ive been researching other applications the past couple of weeks. Im not unhappy with Money, but I would like something with basic features. So far ive decided to stick with Money 2004. One of my main concerns about switching to another application (one that is not as popular), is lack

lol. This is good for those surprise Troll attacks. Don't you hate it when they coming knocking at 3am.

Does Buddi have shortcut or hotkeys ? I don't see anything in the README file, it didn't come with a manual, and the forums don't say much.