
LOL @ ugliness comment. Does it support themes to get rid of the fugly look?

I have never purchased DRM music, and never will. $9 for an album? I can buy a CD for that price or a few bucks more.

I'm ot sure if anyone is monitoring this discussion, but is there a tool to monitor who is connected to your server, what they are downloading, and how long their download has left to finish?

It looks like you can edit windows [boot.ini] to load Linux on another partition. You have to get a .LNX file though from the grub install. The guides I read talk about installing grub to a floppy or FAT32 partiton so you can get this data after installing Linux.

Anyone run a benchmark on this to see if it really saves any battery life?

wow, what a terrible idea. I agree with another poster stating that financial information is very private. There are some things you SHOULD NOT share with the outside world. Sure they have a privacy statement, sure they have secure login, but that doesn't mean nothing bad can happen.

hmm... Not sure if I would give a site this new any credit. It looks like it was started March 25th.

I've been using MS Money 2004 since it was released. I never had the urge to upgrade, since I only use about 15-20% of the features. Anyone know a good replacement that has basic features?

Tip#2 from the site:

who's the red haired chick?

lol, like this is really going to stop someone from forwarding an email if they don't use Outlook.

As I stated earlier, I work from home. I have to agree with the many statements about the social aspect of working in the office. Even though I talk to my coworkers on the phone (and sometimes use the webcam), its not the same as talking to them in person. Some days I feel very gloomy though, and I have to get out