
@Dan D,

After doing some research, it looks like IPTC data can be deleted depending on what software you use. This is a let down. I was hoping to find some sort of standard that I can tag my images with. Seems like somebody would have come out with a standard by now.





I just discovered this tool today. Its free, small download (1 MB) and it has some neat features.

For those who use Allway Sync, it looks very much like GoodSync (the same people who do Roboform). Is the same product?

I rename my photos in the following format.

wow, thats a lot of work. It seems like they would have created an automated way of doing this, otherwise they would have to do this process on every frame of the movie.

@chef, i like Slickrun also, but they should really add a feature to scan the Start Menu.


Another tip when using Media Monkey. If you have singles that you want album art for, you can easily do a google image search and drag/drop the image into the Media Monkey window when the song is selected. This will popup a window asking if you want to add the album art. Very easy! :)


i love this effect. I just tried it on a b/w picture from my wedding. looks great, going to have it printed.

Amen! Shannon Palmer


@all google fanboys,

yea, this is a bad change.

Anyone use another device like the Airport Express made by another company? Im trying to find something that I can hook to a TV and stream audio and video wirelessly.