Nice feature. I remember wanting this feature in WinXP years ago. One particular instance I wanted to save a search for a specific file type and specific network folder that 10-12 designers use. I could then use this predefined search on a daily bases.
DO NOT USE DEBIT CARDS ONLINE! Debit cards are a direct link to your checking account. They do not provide the same security as a regular credit card. If your debit card gets lost/stolen, its a lot harder to get your money back if someone cleans your checking account.
@Lars H,
All this talk about fire. Sure it probably wouldn't happen, but HEAT is what you should be worried about. Heat damages electronic components. Overheating leads to failure.
This very unsafe. Power adapter generate a great deal of heat. It would be bad enough keeping one in an enclosed box, but multiple adapter/power strips is bad news. Even if you put ventilation holes/slots on the box, it still wouldn't be enough.
@Posco Grubb,
@posco grubb,
For those who use Keepass, do you use the autotype feature? Whenever I tried to use it, it managed to put my password in the wrong field a number of times. This is a pretty bad bug, but maybe this has been fixed?
When I click on the link for OptOutPrescreen, Firefox says it CANNOT verify that its a trusted site.
You could just use a standard plastic paper clips. These are cheaper, and come in different colors.
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You could also you [Logmein.com] to access your home pc and browse from it. This would be the best option if you need to do any secure stuff and you have a always on computer at your house.
I dont use Itunes. Can someone post the RSS feeds of the Spanish lessons?