Monkey B

it may be they can’t advertise the CBD content because it’s not precise per gummy as the cooking process changes it. Here in my state we have medical marijuana and my gf has a card. She can’t buy pre-made gummies because they can’t precisely give the THC content of the product, so we have to make them with their

it may be they can’t advertise the CBD content because it’s not precise per gummy as the cooking process changes it.

honestly I don’t blame them. We all know the string pulling that goes on behind the scenes leading to these super teams. It has to be frustrating for all the teams that can’t keep or attract talent because the players/agents have colluded to make 4 or 5 teams the only attractive landing spots because you need all star

in Delaware they have to release the date and the city they are doing DUI checkpoints in to the public in advance. I imagine that the rules are the same in NY so the information should be out already...minus the exact location. Still, it’s not illegal to simply avoid traffic nuisances.  

he is right, but you would have had as many clicks without the baity title. Change starts at home.

someone needs to make that thing...

bad coolant perhaps, or too much water in the mixture lending it to freeze and not circulate. I’d flush/fill the coolant asap.

next time make fun of people to their face when they can understand you... don’t be a coward. And yes, because you’ve said it say’s you’ve done it.

move to Japan and see how well you do if you don’t adjust to the culture...I think that’s his point. Fucking stupid how everything gets hyper analyzed and is racist. I’m sick of both sides of it.

started insisting that phone companies that used the operating system, which is about 80 percent of the market, bundle Google apps and make them the default options

you’d think a local would know how to drive in the stuff.

*disclaimer: I repair and refinish leather for a living, these are my observations from experience in the field and my training.

stop using leather cleaners and conditioners, in fact to keep a car clean it’s best to clean it with an all purpose cleaner as you suggested (i.e. soapy water) and dry it. No sticky shit to trap dirt, so shine to hide when the most touched areas start to get oily and need cleaned, no weird odor. Just clean surfaces.

lucky guy buying when he did. What a perfect car, not so nice that you have to worry about the bumps and bruises that come from actually using it, but still pretty. I woulda kept the A/C though.

all of those are better than what they call music today...even if they suck they aren’t as bad.

guarantee he/she brake checks too. 

other than neighborhoods there shouldn’t be 25mph limits. My gf’s Forte would likely idle faster than 25mph.

Northern California is more Texas than California.

Up in the Air is criminally underrated.

awesome video of dudes knees and the back of his seat. Man up and video it or don’t at all.