I dunno, $3k buys a newer, unmolested Sportster. If this bike was Metric it’s a $1200 bike.
I dunno, $3k buys a newer, unmolested Sportster. If this bike was Metric it’s a $1200 bike.
I can buy a 10 year old dust collecting Sportster for not much more...how bonkers am I?
it’s just a $2000 motorcycle. Nothing about what’s done to it makes it worth any more than than what it is.
they did in Delaware...so I’m told.
best bet is a 2014 or newer Transit Connect LWB. Fits a 4x8 sheet, drives like a small car and you can get the ecoboost in newer models. I’m not sure about a manual option, but if they have it I’d take it. Biggest complaint is the transmission. They also hold value well if well cared for. Been working out of mine for…
so you’ve never heard any good new music ever in your life...I see why you are so salty about ours.
isn’t the U.S. Accord a domestic product only sold in N.A.?
pork pie, not a cabbie hat.
pork pie, not a cabbie hat.
Delaware beckons if cheap property tax is appealing to you!
I’ve seen a silver one with the fender and qtr. trim off, it looks fantastic but up close at the bumpers you have where they are supposed to connect, it’s hard to notice. If it’s still there next time I go I’ll snap some photos, I think the owner is driving it at the Buick store I service.
every single one of those half witted dumb shits deserve 10 fold the treatment they poured on this woman. Don’t get it twisted, if you behave like this you are at best a half witted dumb shit. Period. Do not pass go, do not collect anything...DUMB.
I was given a framed photo of my son and I that looks similar to the one shown. Though not a professional one like the posted one, it was a candid shot of the first time he’d ever been down to the water, and I never saw the photo or knew it was taken until I received the gift. I know it doesn’t sell stuff, but it’s…
I was given a framed photo of my son and I that looks similar to the one shown. Though not a professional one like…
and you’ll use quite a bit of VW’s warranty...another reason to go for the Kia.
And make no mistake, this is for the whites.
every driver needs to at least do the written part of the course, in my opinion. There’s a lot of useful information about the physics of riding that can save a life even if you aren’t a rider. Understanding what’s around you is as important as understanding what you are doing.
so they’ll just give Lyft rides instead...
plus trolls like that guy deserve it. They are no less worse than bullies. It’s time they start getting theirs as there is far too many of them.