
She’s back in Canada, trying to live a quiet life in Quebec but at least once a year she gets outed to her neighbours.

I think it’s wonderfully optimistic that you think he’ll feel shame over this.

the entire staff has turned over almost twofold since then

Your sentence just brought this to mind. And I miss Brittany Murphy now.

But she is so superfly and down with the homies!

It’s had a huge impact on migrant deaths, in that it has forced people to cross through deep in the desert, dying as a result.

Why isn’t the whole plane made out of black on black crime???

Love them both and I love the fact that they were born on consecutive days, one on the East Coast and one on the West.

Which is why I just listen to “Winter Song” on repeat, so I don’t have to choose between them.

She’s the best. She would be my absolute favorite performer person if I wasn’t already deeply committed to Sara Bareilles.

Hildabeast Clinton and the Vagenda of Manocide is probably my least favourite JK Rowling book.

When I look at my daughter I don’t see a woman. I see myself.

This comment thread today...

I have posted no story here. My parents are not divorced. However I have worked with children of divorce professionally and your views on this seem extremely one-side and self-serving, to the point of denying what everyone else is telling you: not having contact with a parent is not only reserved for cases of abuse or

Why a kid should be encouraged to see a parent? If both parents are good people the kid is going to want to see them without any encouragement.

My kids have no relationship with their father, and that’s on him. He can blame me if he wants, but last time he wanted to see either of them his preferred terms involved me putting a 2 year old on a train to London by herself. Yeah. No.

No, a good parent listens to their child’s wishes and doesn't force them to see the other parent if they don't want to. My sister still has legitimate PTSD from being forced to spend weekends with her dad against her will. He's a terrible person (not physically abusive, but manipulative, emotionally abusive, and

And I bet you have a lot of friends.

Echoing others, my mom made sure I really, truly wanted to cut my father off and when I had satisfied her that I was making the decision I needed to for my own sanity, she respected my decision. It would have likely damaged our own relationship if she had pushed. 18 years later, I still believe it was the right

All I am going to say is, unless you were there for every single moment with this family, you have no authority to tell anyone how to be a “good parent”.