“Gondor calls for aid”! took me out. Holy shit that’s funny.
“Gondor calls for aid”! took me out. Holy shit that’s funny.
What does House Speaker Paul Ryan see when he looks at this photo? He sees his strong hairline. He sees his very…
what is the distinction between what happened to this woman and the woman who is beaten to death by her husband with the rest of the family watching and afraid to intervene or going along with it because they are just as brainwashed that she deserved and provoked what she got by being a naggy woman? your focus on…
What world do you live in where Christianity doesn’t or hasn’t condoned killing a woman or a bunch of people?
I was just thinking of cases in Canada of someone killing a family member. It was labelled ‘honour killing’ when the victim was muslim and/or Indian or Pakistani, not in any other case.
You think I don’t know that, honestly? Misogyny existed long before religion and it continues to exist without it, as any number of woman-hating atheist man babies (Richard Dawson, et al) will show you. It doesn’t need religion—it’s older, it’s more powerful. It will continue with it or without it.
Right. Do you understand that this murder took place in Pakistan, and not in America? In the countries where honour killings take place, the police and judicial system (especially if they are conservative) often turn a blind eye because by their definition honour killings are family issues, and in this culture…
Organized religion was created to control people. I believe it was specifically created to control women. Following teachings of Jesus would be the opposite, however. Jesus, if you believe he existed, was one of us. But spirituality and faith IMO are way way different from organized religion. Organized religion is…
Also, can we stop calling them ‘honor killings’? It’s murder, plain and simple. The root of the motive may be sexist, patriarchal cultural ideas, but it’s still murder. Calling it ‘honor killings’ implies there a legitimate reason for it, or that culture can be used an excuse. It cannot.
You mean, other than abortion clinic bombings, church shootings, forcing gay kids into conversion therapy that ends in suicides, and countless women forced to carry pregnancies that sometimes end in death to the mother? And before you tell me those aren’t “honor killings,” yes they are. All of these Fundamentalist…
Thank you. I just straight up distrust “feminist” arguments aimed at policing and critiquing individual women’s survival strategies within misogynistic systems rather than the systems themselves. That is not my feminism.
You expressed this so eloquently. Comments like these reassure me that reading Jezebel is worthwhile.
To me it reads like she was trying to make an argument based in intersectional feminism but misunderstood/misrepresented what intersectionality means. It’s intended to reflect the complexities of how oppression and privilege play out within various women’s lives, not divide women up into demographic groups and…
Hmmm.... I’m thinking that I’m in disagreement with the thesis of this article. Empathy isn’t a finite, limited resource that we have to ration out in a triaged manner.
“Discusses” or “is forced to answer intrusive questioning by a “reporter” with an already defined agenda who will then make answer the central focus of the piece in order to sell magazines.”
It’s not like everybody who hurts other people is some kind of horror movie villain, going around doing nothing but being villainous. This is the kind of BS used all the time to excuse rapists (“Don’t let one mistake ruin this young man’s life!”). People who hurt other people should still face justice for what they…
yeah if you’re snapping naked people in your gym to make fun of them with anybody, you’re a complete and total piece of shit.
Thanks. I kind of feel bad for going off on that dude/dudette but I was so angry at being condescended to about feeling grief for these 80 dead humans. Thanks for the kindness.
Seriously? Go fuck yourself. I know that many worse events than this have occurred throughout recent and ancient history. I am still allowed to feel like the world sucks, because it STILL DOES in MANY WAYS. I am allowed to be sad because a bunch of people out celebrating a national holiday were mowed down by an…