Counterpoint: there are a wide variety of learning disabilities, some of which would bear on this matter, others of which would not.
Counterpoint: there are a wide variety of learning disabilities, some of which would bear on this matter, others of which would not.
Two songs? TWO songs? How about two CDs of MAGIC. How about every song was a MASTERPIECE. A sexual revolutionary AWAKENING. Girl Power, Brah, The Susan B Anthony’s of their TIME. How about THAT.
Junior personnel with no filters who likely come from backgrounds that are not tolerant just get more cemented in bigotry. Then when they become the megaphone to the dog whistles they hear from leadership we get this.
The answer is always Christina Ricci, even if it’s a guy.
Funny thing... I’ve never experienced more homoeroticism than when I was in the Army. Funny culture going on in the military.
Been stationed there and unfortunately among all the service branches the culture of the Marine Corps tends to be the least, shall we say, progressive? The Commandant of the Marine Corps (Conway) was the most vocal opponent of the repeal of DADT and open integration of gay service members, right now their brass are…
Couldn’t you then say, by this absolutely ridiculous logic, that George W. Bush was directly responsible for the shooting because he invaded Iraq, which caused Obama to inherit troops there that he needed to pull out?
“Kid,” wrote one. “Your [sic] not a doctor...sorry to tell you, but not everything you hear on the Internet is true.”
2016 was written by George RR Martin.
Is it just me or have the past two weeks seemed like a devastating shitstorm of news? Was I just not paying attention before?
“I mean, he’s called me a bitch in his songs. That’s just, like, what they say...I don’t know why she just, you know, flipped all of a sudden...”
Maybe it won’t stop most of the shootings, but it does open up a crack to start discussing implementing more regulations. One tiny step at a time.
THIS is the argument I’ve had with those who I consider NOT my friends (also know as the “An AR doesn’t do that much damage” cuntbags). I work in Emergency Medicine and believe me, If I had to (touch wood) be shot with a gun and a choice, I’d go handgun/pistol all the way. That’s repairable (mostly; unless someone has…
It’s a bit morbid and probably in bad taste but I think it would be more effective to display one of the murdered children’s autopsy photos. I want to see which asshole says no to gun control after staring at that for hours.
the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”
Oh, word: The practice isn’t a 401c3 non profit, as this interview here explains, so the only way to donate is to make out a check directly to the office or to him (Warren M. Hern) and send it in the mail to
“How about asking me what I meant before you judge me”
What did they say? I don’t see a donate link on their contact page, but I’d be happy to send a check or something if they don’t do online donations.
I didn’t see this right away and I called Dr. Hern’s office to ask how I could donate money directly to the practice. I had a fifteen-minute conversation with Dr. Hern himself. In addition to being a hero, he is a very humble and cool guy.